Discussing financing of energy renovations in Slovenia

Date: 27.06.2024

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, a national round table on financing energy renovations of buildings in Slovenia was held in Ljubljana. The event was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy (MOPE), Climate and Energy within the EU LIFE project SMAFIN Expanded LIFE22-CET and the MESTRI-CE Interreg Central Europe project and as such attracted a diverse group of stakeholders.

Key Discussions:

  •  Current national and EU policies on energy renovation of buildings. Challenges and opportunities in aligning these policies for effective implementation.
  • Exploration of funding sources (grants, subsidies, loans) available for building energy renovations. Financial instruments and their accessibility across different regions.
  • Case studies highlighting successful financing models for energy renovations. Factors contributing to the success of these models and lessons learned.
  • Critical aspects of project preparation for building energy renovations. Strategies to streamline project planning and enhance efficiency.
  • Importance of integrating insights from financing and project preparation into future policy and practice. Opportunities for scaling successful approaches across national and EU contexts.

Overall, the national roundtable successfully achieved its objective which was to bring together key stakeholders and to foster discussion on financing of energy renovations in Slovenia. The event was attended by more than 50 stakeholders mostly from financial sector but also ministries, local governments, insurance companies, energy service companies, industrial and service sector. The participants were able to exchange views, provide recommendations for concrete measures facilitating investments in building energy renovations in Slovenia and learn about the recent changes at the national and European level.