Does Creativity Have Working Hours? A Completely Different Panel Discussion from our Croatian partners

Date: 24.04.2024
On April 24th, the Teatrin Hall of the Solin City Library hosted a unique event as part of the Capacity2Transform project. The objective was to highlight the importance of creatives in business processes, with the event infused with a refreshing touch of drama.

The panel discussion titled “Creative from 8 to 16?” was moderated by Josip Škiljo, a well-known face of the Split stand-up scene. It brought together prominent figures from the creative and entrepreneurial sectors: Maja Lekšić (Manush Communication Agency & Radio Dalmacija d.o.o.), Gordan Turković (CTA Komunikacije), Marko Maljković (Locastic), Petra Leskovec Dujišin (Infobip), Goran Pavlov (IRI Centar), Ante Katić (Four of them LLC), Josip Vrban (Lumer Print & Shop), and Nikola Kuprešanin (writer and screenwriter).

Škiljo entertained the panelists with his sharp wit, drawing humorous parallels between them and well-known characters and situations. For instance, Petra Dujišin Leskovec a “designer for the elderly,” Marko Maljković an “Indian employment agency,” Goran Pavlov the “Chandler Bing of entrepreneurship,” and he joked that when Maja Lekšić plays, everyone dances.

The highlight of the evening was a dramatic performance by young actors from the Split Academy of Arts, Zdravko Vukelić and Mihael Elijaš. They presented a piece written by scriptwriter and copywriter Ana Ban, humorously depicting the dynamic between a boss and a creative, showcasing real-world issues they face. Their performance elicited waves of laughter and applause from the audience.

The panelists resonated with the anecdotes of Božo and Vinko, emphasizing that creative work is challenging and doesn’t stop at the end of the workday, but also highlighting that it’s a privilege. Gordan Turković stressed the importance of learning, self-improvement, and dealing with pressures and client misunderstandings, but also the immense satisfaction that comes with creativity, which knows no bounds of time or place. Nikola Kuprešanin encouraged those who doubt their writing quality to never give up, as quality emerges when one focuses solely on being a writer, rather than also trying to be a director, costume designer, actor, etc. The panelists agreed that the “jack of all trades” mentality is a significant stumbling block in their work, and it’s essential to let professionals handle their respective areas and learn to say no when necessary, as Maja Lekšić concluded.

Despite the humorous tone, the panel addressed a serious issue – the role of creatives in business processes, a core concept of the Capacity2Transform Interreg project currently being developed by the Faculty of Economics in Split, the IRI Centar, and nine other European partners. The project’s goal is the digital and green transformation of cultural and creative industries and sustainable tourism.

The first step in this transformation is the inclusion of creatives in business processes. The Faculty of Economics in Split and the IRI Centar have allocated significant project funds for free education for creatives. Goran Pavlov introduced a unique Design Sprint Facilitator training as part of the Capacity2Transform project. Additionally, two valuable mentorship programs were presented: Project Management and Communication Officer, along with an Influencer Academy set to launch in October at the Faculty of Economics in Split.

In conclusion, the IRI Centar team, under the creative direction of Ana Ban, presented the business world in an exceptionally fresh and different manner. No one left Solin without a smile, the best confirmation that creativity once again delivered an outstanding performance!