DREAM_PACE´s partner BKK – Budapesti Közlekedési Központ ran – back on 26 September 2023 – the first Living Lab event in #Budapest. BKK presented the current Demand responsive transport system in Budapest, and discuss the planned pilot. The 20+ participants of the workshop were officers from local public authority, SME, Infrastructure and (public) service provider, higher education representatives. As DREAM_PACE we received a lot of useful information so to further enhance the current existing 11 demand responsive transport (#DRT) lines runign in Bupapest, mainly in the peripheral areas: 9 bus lines during the day (the first line has launched in 2013), 1 (night) bus line (since 2006) and the cog-wheel railway. These services run on demand between certain stops or at certain times, but the route is always fixed. In the framework of the DREAM_PACE project, BKK – Budapesti Közlekedési Központ would like to test a new flexible demand responsive transport service (without fixed route) in Budapest and develop an innovative IT system for it.

First Living Lab event – Enhancing the existing DRT system in Budapest
Date: 26.09.2023