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First project update

Date: 30.11.2023
Ready4Heat at a glance

The Ready4Heat project is funded by the EU as part of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program. The Ready4Heat consortium comprises nine partners, including five technical partners addressing environmental, social, governance and health issues, and four key demonstration cities (pilot projects). The Ready4Heat project will run for 36 months, from March 2023 to February 2026, and aims to develop action plans for heat and health.

Various pilot actions are being carried out: Development of cooling green “urban islands” (Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary), shading of a playground by a green pergola (Maribor, Slovenia), environmentally friendly cooling of rooms in a retirement home (Weiz, Austria) and the involvement of stakeholders in an urban area to build an active network (Worms, Germany).

Furthermore, the partners set up local networks of concerned groups to support each other and tackle the heat problem. The project also makes proven and tested measures such as heat warning systems accessible to the cities and helps them to adopt these quickly.

Our pilot cities have all already held a kick-off event with their citizens to publicly present their measures. We have developed a heat adaptation strategy, shared knowledge about the existing heat action plan in Worms with the other pilot cities and created heat stress maps for each pilot city.

Click here to find out all the details of the progress made so far! (Newsletter 11/2023)