FOOD4CE at the BUYSOCIAL SHOWCASE – SUCCESSFUL STORIES event in Slovenia to foster B2B cooperation between social and traditional enterprises and municipalities

Date: 18.06.2024
By: Food4CE
On the 17th of June 2024 the event BUYSOCIAL SHOWCASE – SUCCESSFUL STORIES, organised by PRIZMA Foundation in cooperation with SPOT Consultancy Podravje in the framework of the BFSE B2B – BUYSOCIAL project, funded by the European Union, was held in Maribor, Slovenia. The event was aimed at presenting the added value, impact and practical implementation of B2B cooperation between social and traditional enterprises and municipalities. It was attended by Food4CE representatives, thanks to the participation of the project partner Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor.

Speakers at the event included representatives from some of the AFNs involved in the Food4CE project, including the Via Vitae Cooperative and its brand Jeej!, whose mission is to improve the well-being of individuals, the environment and society by offering healthy and environmentally friendly fast food. The company collaborates with traditional and other social enterprises and public organisations to source ingredients, produce, sell products and raise public awareness.

Another AFN involved in the Food4CE project and present at the event was the social enterprise Cooperative Dobrina, which has been working in the field of sustainable local sourcing since 2011 and whose main aim is the development of small farms, fair trade in food products and ensuring fair payment opportunities for producers and growers. At the same time, the cooperative aims to connect rural and urban areas, to promote and develop organic farming, sustainable local food supply principles and social enterprise activities in the field of food production and processing, and to preserve the cultural, technical and natural heritage of agriculture.

At the event also social enterprise Pupillam was present showcasing a virtuous example of entrepreneurial collaboration and support that has recently partnered with business and entrepreneurial networking organisation BNI. Pupillam’s main mission is to stimulate in individuals and society the potential to conceive and realise ideas for a better and healthier life for all living beings and for the conservation of nature. It is also the founder of the first zero-waste shop in the region, Zelena Japka, which offers food, cleaning products and cosmetics.

The Alliance for Change peer learning and business collaboration event was a unique opportunity for Food4CE to study good practices in collaborating between social enterprises and traditional businesses and local communities/public institutions, as well as understanding, how to generate positive impacts and a more sustainable future through collaboration.