SPOTLOG, an Interreg Europe project stands as a towering pillar of change, championing logistics systems that embrace zero-carbon modes whenever feasible. Harnessing the transformative power of digitalization in goods and passenger transport services, SPOTLOG envisions a future where resources are intelligently harnessed to their fullest potential. Against this background, the event in Rimini proved to be an important hub of inspiration, offering a platform for ITL to showcase the GRETA project and its important goals. Synergies were discovered, experiences were exchanged, and the spotlight shone brightly on sustainable last-mile logistics solutions. Project partners from SPOTLOG and external stakeholders in the field of urban logistics, converged to engage in inspiring discussions. The consensus that emerged from these dialogues was clear: the quest for effective and coordinated solutions hinges upon fostering enhanced dialogue and collaboration among all quadruple-helix stakeholders. The event embraced a holistic approach, recognizing the paramount importance of considering diverse perspectives and involving stakeholders in a collaborative co-design process.

Project presentation at SPOTLOG 2nd Exchange of Experience Event in Rimini.
Date: 22.11.2023