Heat map for the city of Weiz

Date: 04.12.2023
A heat and climate analysis of the city of Weiz has been developed. The initial map of Weiz illustrates varying heat stress levels across the town. Forested areas in the west and east experience minimal heat stress, while moving towards Street 64, the stress intensifies due to increased density, sealed spaces, and structures like buildings, parking lots, and warehouses. The “Weiz Heat Hot Spots Focus Map” hones in on the highest two heat stress levels along Street 64, from northwest to southeast. The “Weiz Heat Hot Spot 65 – 85Y Elderly” map combines heat stress levels with the density of the elderly aged 65 to 85. Lastly, the “Weiz Heat Hot Spot >85Y – Very Elderly” map combines heat stress levels with the density of individuals above 85. © Othophoto copyright lays by Land Steiermark. It can only be used if the original copyright holder is cited.