In addition to gathering local challenges related to climate change, the aim of the local “challenge mapping” platform is to build community, create opportunities for joint planning and intervention, and at the same time, to raise awareness amongst regions across Central Europe and beyond. The app therefore also functions as a community platform.
The app is a tool for citizens – targeting disadvantaged members of society in particular – to collect and submit their comments on challenges in adapting to the energy transition which they identify and experience in their immediate or distant surroundings, and for which they would like to find a common solution. Other features of the app can encourage active participation. For example, the user can vote on given challenges and is incentivised by tokens.
Similar apps already exist at the city level (e.g. in Jihlava, Czech Republic), but the JETforCE Local Challenges Mapping Platform also allows citizens insight into challenges related to the energy transition across Central Europe.
Over the months of April and May 2024, the app will be tested internally amongst selected Transnational JETA (T-JETA) members across the transnational consortium; once the “live” version is ready, the project partners plan to promote the app widely through local campaigns with the active involvement of the so-called “Digital Ambassadors”.
The possibilities on how to promote the tool (e.g. what upcoming events related to energy issues would be suitable for this purpose) was also a topic for discussion at the event.