Communication managers at the training

Increasing project impacts through communications and synergies

Date: 28.09.2023
By: Programme

On 26 and 27 September, we hosted a communications and synergies seminar in Vienna for key beneficiaries of 53 transnational projects funded after the first call for proposals. Expert presentations, group training, and peer-to-peer exchanges, helped around 100 participants from across central Europe to further build their capacities on project communications and to identify concrete synergies.


Key seminar highlights:

  • Project website management: Participants gained in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in managing their newly released project websites, ensuring an effective online presence of all projects in the coming years.
  • Strategic communications: We talked about strategic communications, storytelling and social media, and provided communication coordinators with the tools and tips on how to best manage project communication and articulate their projects’ achievements effectively.
  • Fostering synergies: We encouraged collaborations and synergies among projects that work in the same thematic fields. Participants developed concrete action plans for future cooperation across projects.


You cannot not communicate. Every behaviour is a kind of communication.

Paul Watzlawick
