Introducing our project partners, Project partner: Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Zbornica elektroindustrije GZS

Date: 11.03.2025
Introducing our project partners, Project partner: Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Zbornica elektroindustrije GZS

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia is the largest, strongest and most influential association of the economy in Slovenia. Its fundamental mission is to improve the business environment, which in turn enables greater economic growth. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organized as a network and covers all regions of Slovenia as well as sectors of activity. In addition to lobbying activities, it offers a wide range of various services to support the operations of companies at home and abroad.
The Chamber of Electrical Industry (ZEI) is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, interest-based association of legal entities and individuals who perform gainful economic activity in the electronic and electrical industries, related activities and related services. It operates within the framework of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

Further information.

Drive2Transform seeks to assist businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in navigating the changes brought about by the transformation of the automotive industry, with the ultimate goal of safeguarding Europe’s market dominance. To achieve this ambitious objective, a collaborative, cross-regional strategy will be employed, allowing all regions involved to reap mutual benefits. The pivotal element of this strategy is the Transnational Automotive Open Transformation Platform.

The partners of Drive2Transform unite eight Central European countries with a strong industrial background in the automotive industry, have a long-standing experience with supporting businesses and a deep knowledge of the relevant regional actors and their current challenges. Thematic Focus: Connectivity, Electrification, Automation, Platform Economy

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