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IPSD Joins H2CE Project to Drive Hydrogen Economy in Central Europe

Date: 11.08.2024
By: H2CE

The H2CE (Empowering H2-Ready Regions in Central Europe) initiative has announced the addition of the Institut for Public Service Development (IPSD) (Inštitút rozvoja verejnej správy -IRVS) as its newest partner. This partnership is set to play a crucial role in advancing the project’s mission to develop a robust hydrogen-based economy across Central Europe.

IPSD, known for its expertise in communication and network development, will take on a key role in ensuring the success of the H2CE project. The organization is tasked with creating a comprehensive communication strategy that targets policymakers, industry leaders, research institutions, and the general public. This strategy aims to increase awareness of the project’s objectives, highlighting the benefits of hydrogen as a sustainable energy source and fostering widespread support.

IPSD’s primary responsibilities will be engaging stakeholders through various events, including workshops, webinars, and conferences. These initiatives are designed to bring together key players from across the region, ensuring that efforts to promote hydrogen technologies are aligned and that a cohesive community is built.

In addition to its communication efforts, IPSD will spearhead the development of a hydrogen network across Central Europe. This network will connect governments, industries, and research institutions, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and resources necessary to build a sustainable hydrogen economy.

Public outreach and education are also high on IPSD’s agenda. The organization plans to launch targeted campaigns and educational programs to inform the public about hydrogen’s role in the future of energy. IPSD hopes to generate widespread recognition and support for hydrogen technologies by doing so.

Finally, IPSD will monitor and evaluate the progress of these initiatives, ensuring that the H2CE project remains on track and adapts to any challenges that arise.

The inclusion of IPSD in the H2CE project is seen as a significant boost to the initiative. With their expertise, IPSD is expected to enhance the project’s impact and help Central Europe take a leading role in the global transition to hydrogen-based energy systems.


This partnership marks a major step forward for the H2CE initiative, reinforcing its commitment to fostering regional cooperation, innovation, and investment in hydrogen technologies.