Conference “Green and Blue Energy Transition Days”

JETforCE Pilot Actions Launched in the Region of Istria

Date: 01.05.2024
By: JETforCE

At the end of April, the Istrian Regional Energy Agency (IRENA) made significant strides in promoting just energy transitions through its participation in two pivotal events within the Istrian Region, showcasing the launch of pilot activities under the JETforCE project.

The event, held from 23rd to 26th April, titled “Green and Blue Energy Transition Days,” served as a platform to advocate for energy efficiency and the adoption of renewable energy sources across the Istrian Region. Hosted by IRENA in collaboration with esteemed partners such as the Region of Istria, the City of Labin, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Zagreb, the event encompassed a diverse program of presentations and panel discussions.

One notable panel featured representatives from IRENA who introduced the JETforCE project, emphasizing its role in facilitating a just energy transition and ensuring the inclusion of vulnerable demographics. Central to this endeavor is the Challenge Mapping Tool, developed by the JETforCE consortium, currently undergoing pilot testing to identify and analyze energy transition challenges. Attendees were encouraged to engage with the tool, providing valuable feedback to refine its efficacy.

During his address, Mr. Nikola Petrić, a project assistant for JETforCE, underscored the importance of prioritizing vulnerable groups in the energy transition journey. He outlined plans for pilot activities focused on addressing challenges such as the lack of skilled workforce for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems.

A highlight of Mr. Petrić’s announcement was the commencement of preparatory activities for the second pilot activity, involving the installation of a small PV powerplant. High school students will participate in workshops to familiarize themselves with the technology and undertake installation tasks under expert supervision, aligning with JETforCE’s commitment to skill-building and community engagement.

In a separate engagement on April 25th, Mr. Andrea Poldrugovac from IRENA spoke at the conference “Increase in Solar Energy Production Capacity at Public Facilities,” organized by the Municipality of Medulin. Here, he explained the JETforCE pilot activities, highlighting the Challenge Mapping pilot as a vital tool for soliciting citizen input to address local energy transition challenges.

Local municipal representatives were encouraged to utilize the Challenge Mapping Tool in the coming months, facilitating the collection of feedback to enhance its functionality across partner regions. Looking ahead, IRENA plans to conduct further testing of the tool at the local and regional levels to refine its features, laying the groundwork for the evaluation of just energy transition technologies under JETforCE’s second pilot action.

Image Credits: IRENA