Kick-off meeting of the Urban Living Lab in Dubnica nad Váhom (SK)

Date: 17.02.2025

Kick-off meeting of the ULL Dubnica nad Váhom has been organised on February 17th, 2025, the venue was Primary School with Kindergarten Centrum I. Main goal oft he meeting was to present the principles of ULL creation and thus gain the interest in climate adaptation issues in all relevant stakeholders. Target groups present at the event were citizens, children and pupils, teachers, parents, neighbours, representatives of the cultural institution Dubnica Museum, representatives of the Municipality of Dubnica nad Váhom and representatives of media to present the project ideas in the local media.

Presentation of the CICDA4CE project and its Roadmap  of the ULL Dubnica nad Váhom was at the beginning of the meeting prepared by the STUBA SPECTRA Centre of Excellence members (Dagmar Petríková, Matej Jaššo and Vladimír Ondrejička), the goal to be achieved from the side of Dubnica nad Váhom was presented by the Vice Mayor Mgr. Andrea Blajsková, followed by the discussion with the teachers and students of the Primary school.

After the discussion the Roadmap with is particular activities, milestones and goals was approved and the detailed  plan of training activities at the school has been adapted according to the school timeschedule, with the prospect that majority of the activities at the school and kindergarten will be finalised in the month of June 2025.