Europe - Cooperation

Let’s meet the D4PACK partners!

Date: 29.07.2024

In the D4Pack project, several entities collaborate with a common goal: supporting Central European agrifood SMEs in the transition towards the adoption of next-generation and sustainable packaging solutions.

The project involves a total of eight active partners from five European countries: Cevi (Economic Centre from Verona for the Industries), Campden BRI Hungary Ltd, CCIS-CAFE (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia- Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises), FFDI (Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic), Innoskart Business Development Nonprofit LtdŁ-ŁIT (Łukasiewicz Research Network – Łodz Institute of Technology), Proma-Pack Ltd, Krakow University of Economics.

Let’s get to know the agrifood support organizations which are involved in the project:

  • CEVI (Economic Centre from Verona for the Industries) is the service company of Confindustria Verona based in Italy. Its competences include a range of highly specialized services to support companies at every stage of their development and representation towards policy makers. CEVI’s main role is to be the lead partner in the D4Pack project. It also has other responsibilities such as involving agri-food companies in the project and other research and study activities.
  • CCIS-CAFE (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia- Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises) is the main and the biggest representative organization for food industry in Slovenia. In the D4Pack project CCIS-CAFE has several competences due to its connection with food SMEs: it offers the possibility to the project increase the involvement of food SMEs and to share all important results and information with them.
  • FFDI (Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic) represents the interests of food industry entities in the Czech Republic to state bodies, EU authorities and related organizations. It participates in the D4Pack project to develop and enhance cooperation with industry and the dissemination of results.
  • Innoskart Business Development Nonprofit Ltd is a Hungarian Digital cluster and Digital Innovation Hub linking needs of SMEs to solution providers. In the D4Pack project this company gives a contribution to testing sustainable packaging TTS integrated advisory service.

Follow the news at this page to get to know all the eight partners of D4PACK!