Meet our Lead partner: Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar

Date: 05.11.2024
By: HEAT 35

Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) is a state-owned institution whose main activities include implementing scientific research in the energy sector and providing professional support and advisory services to public authorities and stakeholders in Croatia and internationally. Although state-owned, EIHP is not financed from the state budget but on the basis of concluded contracts for project implementation. 

Key facts:

  • A team of 87 professionals, predominantly researchers and engineers, and six research departments
  • More than 200 research projects, studies, analyses and reports annually
  • 90+ EU research projects
  • Collaboration with over 150 international partner institutions
  • Numerous clients: energy companies, governments, ministries, energy regulatory agencies, local authorities…
  • References in 70+ countries, significant presence in SE Europe, Africa, Asia, USA
  • Annual revenue approx. 5.5 million EUR (up to 1/2 of income from abroad)

The transformation of district heating companies from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources has been a burning topic for years in Central Europe and Croatia. Participation of the EIHP team as a Lead Partner in the HEAT 35 project will enable us to have a front role in determining new available technologies and solutions and also to capitalize on the existing research that EIHP has already done in this sector. It will create synergies between other heating-themed EU-funded projects in the house. Additionally, our motivation for participating in HEAT 35 is:

  • Co-designing transformation solutions for involved DH systems
  • Designing HEAT 35 Kit, an approach where guidelines and tools to DH operators to implement solutions in their systems
  • Support local partner Tehnostan in becoming a sustainable and efficient DH system using at least 50% renewable energy sources and waste heat as energy sources by 2035.