Francesca Campomori: Associate Professor of Political Science. I have been studying immigration and immigrant policies in Italy and the European Union for over twenty years. I am interested in the dynamics of multilevel governance of policies and how they influence concrete outcomes. I am also interested in the dynamics of co-design and co-production of public services, as well as in how social innovation works.
Eleonora Desiata: Postdoctoral research fellow. In 2022 I obtained a PhD in Political Science & Sociology from Scuola Normale Superiore. My research interests include welfare, the modes and outcomes of activism, and urban dynamics.
Pamela Pasian: Postdoctoral research fellow and Adjunct Professor at Ca’Foscari University of Venice. I obtained a PhD in Social Sciences at University of Padua in 2017. My research interests focus mainly on international migration, welfare, gender and care.
Anna Benvegnù: Research assistant. M.A. in Social Sciences at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2023. My research interests include migrations in the Mediterranean Area and the analysis of reception policies of migrants and refugees, with a focus on homestay reception.
Tommaso Musner: Technical and financial project manager of research and innovation projects funded by the EU, with more than ten years’ experience. PhD in Environmental engineering, I also provide support in technical writing of project proposal in the field of environmental restoration, marine pollution, waste management and adaptation strategies to climate change.
Founded in 1868, Ca’ Foscari in 2018 celebrated 150 years since its founding. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is a leading university in Italy in Economics and Management, Humanities, Languages and Literature, Science. It has a long-standing tradition in research and solid experience in EU funded projects. A total of 282 projects have been awarded since 2014 within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, REC-programme, EU DGs grants, Life, Creative Europe, EuropeAid, and Territorial Cooperation Programmes. In particular, since 2014 it has been involved in 34 Interreg projects (4 Central Europe), nine of which with a leading role.