Numerous institutions joined us in fine tuning of our activities

Date: 15.03.2024
In these stakeholders’ consultations, every partner involved institutions that have an impact on the activities to be carried out within the SUSTANCE project. The impact can be political, organizational, technological, technical or any other. Informing stakeholders about the project in general and about what we’re doing is of crucial importance, to gain their support. The meetings were organized in the form of round tables, to allow the stakeholders to express their opinions about the accessibility assessments (documents regarding transport for each piloting region or line), the experimentation of new solutions and governance of public transport. After gathering all their valuable contributions, we can identify synergies and opportunities in terms of improved coordination of cross-border public transport services and joint dissemination and promotion of mobility initiatives. These consultations with stakeholders took place during February and March 2024, in Trieste, Rimini, Bolzano, Pula, Rijeka, Zagreb and Ljubljana. You can check our social media for more details about each meeting and involved stakeholders.