Logo for the circularity compass and self-assessment survey
Copyright: trolley:motion, Rupprecht Consult, Interreg CE4CE project.

Self-assessment Survey for public transport agencies and operators

Date: 07.08.2024
The circularity self-assessment survey – prepared within the Interreg CE4CE project – serves as a simplified entry point for mass public transport agencies (PTAs) and operators (PTOs) to evaluate their current status of integration of circular economy principles, practices, and approaches in their public transport activities. The self-assessment fosters a holistic view encouraging entities to break down internal and external silos and reflect on not only their immediate activities but also their impact along the entire value chain.

The Public Transport Circular Economy Self-Assessment comprises seven building blocks, each containing 10 to 20 questions:

  • Vehicles
  • Batteries
  • Railway Infrastructure
  • Electric Infrastructure
  • Buildings
  • Energy
  • Knowledge, Governance & Policy

This self-assessment offers a preliminary, subjective analysis, and it does not replace in-depth, data-driven diagnostics. It aims to spark questions and reflection, raise awareness, initiate discussions, and collaborations, and encourage the installation of a circular mindset across departments and with stakeholders throughout the value chain.

The self-assessment is then a stepping stone toward more detailed evaluations such as material and energy flow analyses, life cycle and value chain assessments and the implementation of sustainable solutions such as the shift to renewable energy, zero-emission fleets, and low-carbon building practices.

Link to the survey: https://circularity4publictransport.eu/self-assessment-selection/