Successful outcomes from the joint event in La Spezia.

Date: 24.06.2024
The conference “Digitalization of ports and freight transport. Experiences and practices across EU-funded Programme” was held on 19th June at the headquarters of the Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea.
The project partners and stakeholders of 4 projects from all over Europe met inside the Auditorium G. Bucchioni in La Spezia. ACCESSMILE (Interreg Central Europe), MILEPORT (Interreg Italy-Croatia), EASY2LOG (Interreg Italy-France Maritime) and MERIDIAN (CEF) projects shared their experiences and how the pilot actions will enhance the digitalization and innovation of the ports, dry ports and logistics companies involved. All the projects will allow the implementation of new services promoting faster road access to the terminals.
This event confirms that European Funds are fundamental for bridging infrastructure missing links, optimising existing port infrastructures, while works and upgrades are implemented, and mitigating climate change through smarter and faster port operations.
As keynote speech, Eng. Federica Montaresi – Secretary General of the Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority – and Prof. Francesco Benevolo – underlined the importance of EU funds for the digital development of the ports, as done by Port of La Spezia in the last 15 years. The Keynote speeches by Prof. Vittorio Marzano – University of Naples Federico II – and Ms. Ariane Sievers – die Autobahn GmbH – illustrated the most recent innovations in freight transport and coordination between modes of transports all around the Europe.  At the end, the technical round table among the partners of the 4 projects was useful to exchange experiences crossing the different European programmes.