The fourth partner meeting of the ReCo project took place in Miramare (Trieste) from 25-28 Nov 2024. The four-day meeting was organised by the Miramare Marine Protected Area administration – the new project partner that the ReCo project consortium welcomed as a new member of the partnership on 1 September 2024. The partner meeting included an intensive exchange of information between the project partners on the completed and upcoming project activities. A special focus was put on karst habitats, where the nature restoration measures of the new project partner will be situated. Plans and scientific approaches were discussed at on-site visits to karst grassland and the specialized Karst Botanical Garden.

CR Jörg Schmiedel
The 4th partner meeting of the ReCo project at the Marine Protected Area Miramare (IT)
Date: 25.11.2024
By: ReCo