“The goal is to find a way to almost completely decarbonize the city district”

Date: 19.03.2024
Matija Vajdić, Head of the RES, Climate, and Environmental Protection Department at EIHP, gave an interview to the daily newspaper Poslovni dnevnik. He spoke about the ‘Energy and Climate Change’ program and domestic and international projects implemented by EIHP. One such project is ZEB4ZEN. “We are currently implementing almost twenty international projects where we are either a project partner or we lead an international consortium.

One such example where we lead an international consortium is the ZEB4ZEN project, which deals with city districts’ energy planning to maximally reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The goal is to find a way to almost completely decarbonize city districts. We are implementing this on the example of three renaissance star-shaped city cores in Karlovac, Zamość and Palmanova. The renaissance has little to do with energy but served exclusively as a symbol of transformation in our context of the energy transformation of Europe towards the first climate.

The three-year project has several activities; the most interesting are those related to pilot investments. For example, we are connecting building energy and electromobility in Karlovac; in Palmanova, we will organize the first energy community to invest in a large solar power plant outside the city walls. In Zamość, we analyze various technologies for the insulation of buildings under the protection of UNESCO. We plan to package all of this together in a clear action plan that will use modern visual technologies to present to the citizens the specific activities that must take place within the city district for it to become an almost zero energy district by 2050,” said Vajdić, project manager of the ZEB4ZEN project.

More info: https://www.poslovni.hr/hrvatska/s-20-milijuna-eura-iz-programa-eacc-potaknuto-je-koristenje-energije-sunca-mora-i-geotermala-4435136