In the middle of the green landscape of Skawina the meeting started with the welcome speeches of the Mayor of Skawina (Norbert Rzepisko) and Director of IEE PAS (Prof. Tadeusz Magiera). All partners presented their organisations, IEE PAS introduced the Project management and coordination procedures while FOS presented the communication strategy. On the second day a general presentation about the programme Interreg Central Europe by Jana Habjan Coudoré from JS set the basis for the overview and discussion of project objectives, activities outputs, expected results and timetable. On the third day a very interesting field excursion was organised to see the degraded areas in Skawina followed by an open discussion on potential strategies for remediation, restoration and management strategies for non-food agricultural production. The exchange of experiences and knowledge of the participants in the field proposed was important to start cooperation work to achieve project results. Let’s cooperate!

Three days of productive work at PoLaRecCE kick-off meeting in Skawina on 19, 20 and 21 June!
Date: 12.07.2024
By: PoLaRecCE