Transnational Memorandum of Understanding Signed to Boost Innovation in Central Europe

Date: 26.07.2024

A Transnational Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed to establish cooperation between the partners and associated strategic partners of the Greene 4.0. The primary focus of the memorandum is to engage in discussions and efforts that promote intelligent and environmentally sustainable innovation approaches, with the goal of expanding digital transformation possibilities for manufacturing enterprises in Central Europe.

The MoU defines the purposes and conditions for collaboration, promoting discussions and information exchange among the partners in the following areas of mutual interest:

  • Strengthening Innovation Capacities: The partnership aims to continue strengthening innovation capacities in Central Europe through further development and enhancement of new value chains related to smart and green manufacturing in the project’s regions.
  • Networking and Capacity Building: Efforts will be made to network and bolster the innovation capacity of smart manufacturing stakeholders across Central Europe.
  • Capitalizing on Existing Knowledge: The MoU seeks to capitalize on existing knowledge, solutions, and outputs achieved by the parties through the implementation of synergistic projects focused on smart and green manufacturing, the development of innovative products and solutions, the generation of business models, and the provision of support services related to the digital and green transition of manufacturing companies.
  • Fostering Know-How Transfer: A key objective is to foster the transfer of know-how and best practices between the parties, and to increase cooperation between institutions and organizations in the Central Europe regions.

This memorandum signifies a significant step towards fostering intelligent, sustainable innovation and driving the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises in Central Europe. The collaboration is expected to yield substantial benefits, enhancing the region’s competitive edge in the global market.