Exciting news from our project Lead Partner, the Autonomous Province of Trento: the new Trentino Solidarity Economy Table has been appointed. Established by the Law for the Promotion of the Solidarity Economy (LP 13/2010), this central body plays a key role in advising the Provincial Council. It consists of 11 members, including 6 chosen by Solidarity Economy regulations, 4 public officers and provincial administration managers, and 1 member from the Autonomous Council. Serving a term of 5 years, the table will prepare and approve the annual program to promote the solidarity economy, formulate opinions and proposals for the Provincial Council, propose training and information events, and design projects to further promote the solidarity economy. This marks a significant step forward in fostering a stronger and more connected community.

Trentino Appoints New Solidarity Economy Table to Advance Local Initiatives
Date: 26.07.2024
By: 3P4SSE