VReduMED Mapping Perspectives: A Cross-Regional Survey on VR Technology in Daily Practices

Date: 10.01.2024
By: VReduMED

The primary objective is to determine whether the education and business sectors have encountered VR solutions and, if so, to understand their perspectives. This includes their opinions on VR, as well as their visions for implementing this technology into their typical routines and daily operations.

To achieve this, the questionnaire was designed with two pathways. The first is tailored for subjects with existing VR experience. Here, our primary focus is on understanding the purpose of usage, challenges faced during implementation, and perceived future potential.

The second pathway targets respondents who have not yet experienced VR in their typical activities. In this case, we are interested in their perceptions of VR technology and the reasons for not incorporating it into their operations.

Recognizing that a lengthy questionnaire may result in a lower response rate, we ensured that the survey is concise, comprising a maximum of 13 questions. Most of these are single or multiple-choice questions, facilitating the creation of cumulative final statistics. The goal was to keep the questionnaire’s completion time under 10 minutes, respecting the time of our respondents and recognizing the limited attention span for questionnaires. Respondents also have the option to provide additional details and opinions through open qualitative questions, enriching the data collected.

The questionnaire was initially developed in English and later localized into the language of each region involved. To encourage respondents to share their insights, the questionnaire guarantees full anonymity. However, respondents can choose to voluntarily provide their email contacts, enabling them to be invited to upcoming round table events. These events will serve as platforms for networking and sharing experiences and best practices among key actors, aligning with the synergy of our project activities.

If you want to share your VR experiences and join us in the roundtable discussions, you can find country-specific questionnaires here: