Enhancing Innovation Funding in Central Europe

Enhancing Innovation Funding in Central Europe

  In the quest to drive access to innovation funding across Central Europe, the FI4INN project recently conducted a transnational focus group, leveraging insights garnered at regional and national levels. The primary objectives were to validate earlier...
BIM4CE in Vienna for Communications & Synergies Seminar!

BIM4CE in Vienna for Communications & Synergies Seminar!

Ilia Lashkov, as project coordinator and Paulo Rondo de Melo as Communication manager had the possibility to learn from high skilled Communication Experts and create important  Synergies with other projects. BIM4CE presentation during the synergies sessions caused...
University of Dresden on the IDA-KI Bridge

University of Dresden on the IDA-KI Bridge

  Our partner TU Dresden had the opportunity to install and test their sensor foils on the experimental bridge IDA-KI in Bautzen city, Germany. The rock has moved. TU Dresden will be able to obtain the necessary measurement data for further improvement of the...
Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting

Technical University of Dresden hosted on 6th and 7th June the Kick-off meeting of the project BIM4CE. The event started with a welcome speech of Prof. Dr. Karl Leo representing the host partner. All PPs introduced themselves and their organisation. Mr Damir Fak of...