Partner meeting x-Inno Radar in Karlovy Vary, Czechia

Partner meeting x-Inno Radar in Karlovy Vary, Czechia

Most of the time of this second partner meeting is dedicated to defining the pilot actions. Focus group members are welcome to join. The project meeting  starts with an inspirational tour. Later, partners take a closer look at the x-Inno Radar survey results and the...
Second round of training program in Stuttgart concluded

Second round of training program in Stuttgart concluded

The 2nd round of training programme ‘Learning together, acting sustainably’ in the Stuttgart Region has come to a successful conclusion! As regional project partners of GREENPACT, we are very impressed (and a little bit proud) by the achievements of the young people...
Workshop on EU Projects

Workshop on EU Projects

At the workshop, through a practical example and interaction, you will acquire key knowledge on how to generate a project concept. Through the example of the Strengthening cooperation and production of tourism products project, you will learn how to distinguish...
Serious Games

Serious Games

Through the game, we will analyze the impact of different scenarios, develop strategies, and collaboratively arrive at solutions. This is an opportunity to explore the future of tourism in a dynamic and innovative way, gain new insights, and engage in the creative...