EC-ESA Joint Earth System Science Initiative

EC-ESA Joint Earth System Science Initiative

  TU Wien had two presentations at this workshop. The first one was in the extreme weather event session. There we showed how Earth observation data can be used for drought monitoring and showed how the data we collected in Clim4Cast will help to further advance...
Water in Agriculture – Opportunities and Threats

Water in Agriculture – Opportunities and Threats

  During one of the thematic sessions of The Fourth Water Roundtable, Dr Jerzy Kozyra presented the preliminary results of the first phase of the Clim4Cast project on crop yield losses due to drought and climate change. He also described the results of a survey...
Austrian Pilot Action successfully started

Austrian Pilot Action successfully started

The Austrian pilot action was successfully launched with a stakeholder workshop on 3 June 2024 in the project region of South Styria. Around 30 people from municipalities, fire brigades, civil protection associations, district authorities, the Province of Styria and...