

  Hemp   Hemp, mostly known as industrial hemp, belongs to the botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars. It has significantly long history of over 50.000 years and it is one of the first plant spun into usable fibres. This long history attests to its...
BIOECO-UP Living Labs in Hungary – food upcycling workshops

BIOECO-UP Living Labs in Hungary – food upcycling workshops

  Food upcycling is an important topic of the BIOECO-UP activities in Hungary, that is why some of our workshops using Living Lab approach were also related to this topic. Secontaste and Grapoila are Hungarian brands, whose owners are committed to sustainability...
REUSE2030 @ European Robotics & Automation Talks

REUSE2030 @ European Robotics & Automation Talks

At the event “European Robotics & Automation Talks” (ERAT), the project REUSE2030 was presented to industry stakeholders and company representatives from the machinery and plant engineering sectors. The event, which focused on emerging trends in...