Participatory Webinar in Italy!

Participatory Webinar in Italy!

Ecole presented the implementation phases, strategies, opportunities and ongoing challenges : Identifying Solutions,Development and Testing of Digital Tools, Tools and Circular Solutions through Networking and Capacity Building Packages A total of around 15 users...
Participatory Workshop in Slovenia !

Participatory Workshop in Slovenia !

On Wednesday, 25th of September, as part of the REUSE2030 project, our Slovenian partners organize an online workshop on the Green Transition for manufacturing SMEs. This was the kick-off event for the #REUSE2030 project in Slovenia. Their colleagues from the...
Reuse Day in Jihlava

Reuse Day in Jihlava

  ENVIROS participated in the Reuse Day even that took place in Jihlava on Sunday, 8 September. This event was organised by local nonprofit organisation, Silo Jihlava, reuse centre Útulek věcí (“Shelter of things”) and SWAP Jihlava in cooperation with Reuse...
UBA-ENVIROS tandem meeting

UBA-ENVIROS tandem meeting

  Within one of the tandems, Czech and German partners (ENVIROS, SILO Jihlava, UBA, adelphi, Zukunftshaus) cooperate on the topic of linking sustainable online commerce to circular economy. An initial online meeting of all organisations took place on 23...
Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting

During the last two days (13. 5. – 15. 5. 2024) the kick-off meeting of the Interreg CE GreenChemForCE Kick-off Meeting took place at Charles University in Czechia, which is the lead partner of an international consortium of 9 partners from 4 EU countries. During the...