Gardens and urban farms socially needed in Turin.

Gardens and urban farms socially needed in Turin.

On 10-11/10/2023, the project consortium met in Turin. An integral part of project meetings are study visits which always give participants an unique and inspiring insights. This time couldn’t be different. The partners had the opportunity to see how places very...
HUMANITA project started on April 1, 2023

HUMANITA project started on April 1, 2023

Increased demand and interest in outdoor activities are great opportunities, but also challenges for each protected area (PA) to meet visitors’ expectations, but also to protect natural values. Based on this identified problem, the project “Human-Nature...
Keeping forests healthy and functional

Keeping forests healthy and functional

HealthyForestRegions Supporting HEALTHY FOREST ecosystems for human well-being in forest REGIONS Keeping forests healthy and functional Forests are complex ecosystems that store carbon, preserve soils and nurture many animal and plant species. But negligence and...
Promoting urban farming in central Europe

Promoting urban farming in central Europe

CoFarm4Cities Creating a sustainable model for urban fringe farming in Central Europe as an effective tool to prevent urban sprawl and to transition to a more sustainable food system and society Promoting urban farming in central Europe The rapid expansion of cities...
Improving life with large carnivores

Improving life with large carnivores

LECA Supporting the coexistence and conservation of Carpathian LargE CArnivores Improving life with large carnivores The Carpathians are home to large populations of lynx, wolfs and bears. In recent years, conflicts between large carnivores and humans have increased,...