Ljubljana Urban Farm Rakova Jelša

Ljubljana Urban Farm Rakova Jelša

Within the framework of the CoFarm4Cities project, the Municipality of Ljubljana took a slightly different path than the other partners. Because we decided to design, together with our partner DOVES, a learning process for primary schools, in which students will...
IUFRO 2024

IUFRO 2024

The RE-ENFORCE team #IUFRO2024  (https://iufro2024.com/) has also spoken about the importance of the new Nature Restoration Law, which was passed on 17 June 2024. To refresh our memory: After long negotiations, the Environment Council reached a qualified majority and...
New nesting colonies on ReCo mudflats in Škocjanski zatok

New nesting colonies on ReCo mudflats in Škocjanski zatok

  As part of the ReCo project, two new mudflats with a total area of 420 m2 were formed last year in the brackish lagoon of the Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve. The material for shaping those mudflats was obtained by deepening the secondary (mosaic) channels...
DarkerSky4CE – The project started

DarkerSky4CE – The project started

  DARKERSKY4CE – A new LIGHT for the fight against LIGHT pollution in Central Europe  The partners of the DARKERSKY4CE project met on 24-25th June at the Astronomical Observatory of Pino Torinese (Italy) for the Kick-off Meeting of the Project hosted by the...