Good Practices in Parma

Good Practices in Parma

The redevelopment of the Parco del Naviglio: conducted by our Partner the Municipality of Parma, together with the association IBO Italia ODV-ETS in 2021. The project ParcOfficina followed a participatory process aiming to answer citizens’ needs adequately in regard...
Meet the Coordinators of GEtCoheSive!

Meet the Coordinators of GEtCoheSive!

  Francesca Campomori: Associate Professor of Political Science. I have been studying immigration and immigrant policies in Italy and the European Union for over twenty years. I am interested in the dynamics of multilevel governance of policies and how they...
Good Practices Vienna

Good Practices Vienna

  Presenting a good practice of a participation process in Vienna: the project “Gesunde Nachbarschaft (i.e., Healthy Neighbourhood)” by the organisation “Wiener Gesundheitsförderung” (i.e., Vienna Health Promotion) that took place from 2016-2019. This...
Good Practices Bologna

Good Practices Bologna

  Our projectpartner ASP Città di Bologna introduces a Good Practice of participatory governance – this will be used to strengthen the conceptualization of projects within GEtCoheSive! Salus Space is the result of a European project, coordinated by the City...