The activity progress presented to stakeholders

The activity progress presented to stakeholders

In stakeholders’ consultations, every partner involved institutions that have an impact on the activities to be carried out within the SUSTANCE project, or can provide political, organizational, technological, technical or any other feedback. These meetings took place...
Preliminary pilot results

Preliminary pilot results

On 25th and 26th of September 2024, partners met in Pula primarily to discuss the progress of their piloting and other project activities. Two cross-border railway services were introduced between Hungary and Austria, and Italy and Croatia, via Slovenia, that ended in...
White Paper published

White Paper published

The Rail4Regions consortium has published its first project output – a White Paper on rail freight transport. The document is based on thorough analysis carried out by the project team, including case studies and workshops with target groups. Before its...
A meeting on bus!

A meeting on bus!

Why not to have a meeting on bus? After all, as Dream_pace, we are fond of Demand-responsive-transport! Dream_pace indeed held in August 2924 a living Lab meeting on a “#miobusoltrepo”, after, of course, booking it via the „Miobus app“: this helped us to...