Protecting ecosystems across borders

Protecting ecosystems across borders

ReCo Restoring degraded eco-systems along the Green Belt to improve and enhance biodiversity and ecological connectivity Protecting ecosystems across borders The European Green Belt is a unique network of ecologically important habitats and protected nature areas....
Sheltering protected areas for and with tourists

Sheltering protected areas for and with tourists

HUMANITA Human-Nature Interactions and Impacts of Tourist Activities on Protected Areas Sheltering protected areas for and with tourists Tourism in protected areas is a sensitive issue. It is sometimes hard to find the right balance between preserving these and...
Improving forecasts of extreme weather events

Improving forecasts of extreme weather events

Clim4Cast Central European Alliance for Increasing Climate Change Resilience to Combined Consequences of Drought, Heatwave, and Fire Weather through Regionally-Tuned Forecasting Improving forecasts of extreme weather events Climate change increases the risk of severe...
Making grey cities greener

Making grey cities greener

GreenScape-CE Climate-proof landscape through renaturing urban areas in Central Europe Making grey cities greener Cities are growing in central Europe, often turning green areas into grey concrete places. This urban sprawl accelerates negative effects of climate...
Introducing cross-sectoral climate adaptation systems

Introducing cross-sectoral climate adaptation systems

MISSION CE CLIMATE Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe Introducing cross-sectoral climate adaptation systems Resilience to climate change can only be achieved when you look at all parts of the puzzle. Cross-sectoral approaches are needed but silo-thinking...