Follow us on Social Media!

Follow us on Social Media!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new Facebook, Linkedin & Twitter Pages dedicated to our Interreg Central Europe Programme project, focused on activating the transformative potential of cultural and creative industries and sustainable tourism in...
The next partner meeting is on the horizon

The next partner meeting is on the horizon

We’re thrilled to announce that our rendezvous point is none other than the Lakeside Science & Technology Park in Klagenfurt. Lakeside Park isn’t just a location; it’s a platform for collaboration. Its conducive environment makes it the perfect backdrop to...
Workshop in Udine

Workshop in Udine

The main agenda? Delving deep into the details of our stakeholder mapping! Being in the same room allowed for a vibrant exchange of ideas, fostering greater collaboration and ensuring alignment in our goals and strategies. Stay tuned for more...
First Open Innovation Camp in Slovenia

First Open Innovation Camp in Slovenia

On January 25th Slovenian project partners held their first workshop as part of the project’s Open Innovation Camps. The workshop took place at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia premises and was attended by various stakeholders. The workshop’s...
First Open Innovation Camp in Poland

First Open Innovation Camp in Poland

On January 23 we held the first Open Camp meeting in Poland as part of the Health Labs4Value project. Among the attendees of the meeting were employees and patients of the Central Clinical Hospital, employees of the Medical University of Lodz, and people interested in...