Collaboration Labs coming up in Spring 2024

Collaboration Labs coming up in Spring 2024

We have developed an inspiring and promising format to let SMEs and young consumers work together on ecological and economical solutions in the creative industries and tourism sector. In spring 2024, the first Greenpact Collaboration Labs will start: a two-day...
Circular Economy and  Sustainability in Croatia

Circular Economy and Sustainability in Croatia

As part of the EU project GREENPACT Interreg CE, Step Ri – Science and Technology Park of the University of Rijeka promotes circular economy in the creative industry and tourism sector. While searching for best practice examples, they came across Greenly, with...
The Stuttgart Region is becoming even more sustainable

The Stuttgart Region is becoming even more sustainable

The Stuttgart Region is becoming even more sustainable! In our new European funding project GREENPACT the partners from the Stuttgart Region, HdM Startup Center and Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS), are connecting established companies and...
GREENPACT Kick-Off – Let’s get started!

GREENPACT Kick-Off – Let’s get started!

On 19 and 20 April 2023, the first meeting of our new INTERREG CE project #GREENPACT took place in Stuttgart, Germany. Project partners from Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany met at the Playpark of Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart to discuss the...