Towards a Hybrid Home Care Model

Towards a Hybrid Home Care Model

Webinar: Towards a Hybrid Home Care Model There is a need to innovate home care delivery trying to reach out a broader number of citizens. PROCAREFUL project is trying to scale up the organisational care models through technology to prevent cognitive and physical...
Integrating virtual reality into medical education

Integrating virtual reality into medical education

VReduMED  Virtual Reality Education and Training Solutions for Medicine Sector Integrating virtual reality into medical education Medical interventions are increasingly digitalised but training of health care staff is still lagging behind. The VReduMED project helps...
Certifying impact-driven top executives

Certifying impact-driven top executives

GREENPACT Futurepreneurs and SMEs for a sustainable Central Europe Certification Scheme Certifying impact-driven top executives Futurepreneurs are professionals that are driven by purpose and impact. They take on societal challenges and climate change with an...