Programme structure
Get to know our programme bodies and find out how they work together.
Who is who
Running a programme like Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is a shared task. Get to know our programme bodies and find out who does what.
Monitoring Committee
Consists of representatives of the nine Member States. Steers the programme, verifies its sound implementation and approves projects for funding.
→ Read the rules of procedure and meeting summaries
Managing Authority
The City of Vienna, Department of European Affairs, is responsible for managing and implementing the programme in a sound financial way and in line with the EU regulations.
Joint Secretariat
Implements the programme in close coordination with the Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee. Provides guidance and information to all stakeholders.
National Contact Points
Provide information and guidance to all stakeholders on the national level and support representatives of the Monitoring Committee.
Audit Authority
Carries out system and project audits to provide independent assurance to the European Commission that the programme functions effectively.
National Controllers
Verify that co-financed products and services were delivered and check the compliance of projects with regulations and programme rules.
Organisation chart
Our organisation chart visualises how the various programme bodies work together to manage the programme and supervise and control its implementation.