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76 m €

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Projects: 47 results

Empowering agricultural innovation

Empowering agricultural innovation

Farmers and food companies are slower in adopting digital technologies in comparison to other sectors. It is therefore necessary to make farms and food industries aware of digitalisation advantages and benefits, in particular by providing them with success stories and testing with them how a technology can concretely be useful. The AGRI-DIGITAL GROWTH project introduces central European farmers and food companies to precision and ...

Testing new ways to bring border regions closer together
BorderLabs CE

Testing new ways to bring border regions closer together

Thanks to EU integration, borders across countries have been softening - but public administration and policies still do not sufficiently address the needs of cross-border communities. The project BorderLabs CE will change this by improving public capacities for participatory cross-border cooperation. Partners from six countries jointly develop and pilot new governance models and solutions for integrated cross-border strategy development. They also investigate new approaches ...

Beating burnout at the workplace

Beating burnout at the workplace

The prevalence of anxiety, burnout syndrome, and depression at the workplace increases. Such health issues account for over 20% of all sick leaves. The BURNOUT PREVENT project strengthens entrepreneurial skills and develops innovative service solutions for an improved burnout prevention in selected industry sectors. In this process, the partners consider three main aspects of burnout: the corporate environment, spare time and digital stress. Their ...

Standardising circular public procurement processes

Standardising circular public procurement processes

Circular procurement considers the whole life cycle of goods and services and can help to avoid negative environmental impacts. However, no common standards exist so far and requirements for incorporating circular criteria into public tenders vary from country to country. The CE-PRINCE project steps in to standardise circular procurement approaches across central European countries and industries. The partners improve capacities of public authorities to ...

Stopping biodiversity loss through better ecosystem management
Central - BIC

Stopping biodiversity loss through better ecosystem management

Central Europe is challenged by a loss of biodiversity caused by an unsustainable management of ecosystems. Many rural communities miss support for a transition of their ecosystems. This shortcoming is tackled by the Central-BIC project, in which the partners develop new tools and methodologies for managing ecosystems sustainably. They involve producers and consumers directly in testing tailored solutions for three supply chains: livestock, agriculture, ...

Involving citizens to better adapt cities to climate change

Involving citizens to better adapt cities to climate change

Cities increasingly face negative effects of climate change and try to adapt. But their adaptation strategies often do not work out as planned because citizens and stakeholders are not sufficiently involved in developing these. The CICADA4CE project helps city authorities to design effective climate change policies based on the concept of ecosystem- and community-based adaptation. The partners co-create action plans with citizens and other ...

Making better use of data to counter climate change

Making better use of data to counter climate change

Huge quantities of environmental and meteorological data are already available both within public institutions and from open sources. But how to make sense of all the data to improve public responses to heatwaves, droughts, floods and reduce their impact on biodiversity? The Climate_CRICES project enhances the capacity of public authorities to manage climate change effects projected by the data. A dashboard visualises available data ...

Helping companies to go digital in a responsible way

Helping companies to go digital in a responsible way

The digital transformation is putting established ways of doing business to the test. This offers opportunities, but also harbours risks. Companies have to be aware of their digital responsibilities to shape the process of digitalisation and guarantee it serves the best interests of citizens. The COEUS project supports small and medium companies to meet legal requirements and make digital responsibility a normal part of ...

Tackling climate change in cities together with their citizens

Tackling climate change in cities together with their citizens

Despite the numerous negative effects of climate change on the environment and people’s health, climate risk awareness is generally quite low among citizens. To change this, there is a need to target and actively involve all generations. The CONE project helps city authorities to work better together with citizens to make cities greener. The partners design and test new participatory and digitally-driven processes that ...

Helping regions to speed up the green transition of small companies

Helping regions to speed up the green transition of small companies

Small and medium enterprises account for nearly a third of carbon emissions. At the same time, many regions are not able to support their decarbonisation. The CREDIT4CE project builds the support capacities of such regions to take forward the green transition. The partners train them on technology transfer and speed up the development and uptake of innovative technologies needed for “net zero”. They design ...

Piloting circular products in the manufacturing industry

Piloting circular products in the manufacturing industry

The ongoing transition to a circular economy is not only a tedious obligation for the manufacturing industry. It also offers an opportunity to develop innovative sustainable products. The CURIOST project helps small- and medium-sized companies in sectors like mechanics, packaging, plastics, and construction to harvest the potential benefits. They help selected companies to co-develop tailor-made, innovative, sustainable and circular product prototypes. The learnings are ...

Facilitating the introduction of advanced packaging materials

Facilitating the introduction of advanced packaging materials

Next-gen packaging solutions can considerably increase the shelf life of food, help reduce food waste and minimize the ecological footprint of packaging. However, traditional central European agri-food companies struggle to assess the impact of advanced packaging solutions on their production due to limited resources. To change this, the D4PACK project creates a technology transfer service that helps companies to better understand and estimate the ...

Dimming urban lights to protect ecosystems

Dimming urban lights to protect ecosystems

Bright city lights at night can be helpful but also polluting. They negatively affect human health and the environment. Awareness for this problem is still rather low in many central European cities and now addressed by the DARKERSKY4CE project. The partners change the perceptions about light pollution among local policymakers, tourism entities, and citizens. They spotlight the adverse impact of light pollution on ecosystems ...

Taking the stress out of the digital transformation

Taking the stress out of the digital transformation

The digital transformation offers new opportunities for companies but also increases complexity. Especially employees over 55 can suffer from digital stress or burnout at the workplace. The Digi-B-Well project helps companies to transform and make employees fit for the digital age. The partners upskill competences of managers, public authorities, and academia to better prevent digital stress and burnout. They develop and test new tools ...

Fabricating better skills for the manufacturing industry

Fabricating better skills for the manufacturing industry

The World Economic Forum identified skills gaps in local labour markets as a main barrier to the adoption of new technologies in manufacturing. It predicted in 2020 that 40% of core skills will change within five years, putting pressure on manufacturing companies to reskill or upskill employees fast. The DiSTT project improves local skills in digital fabrication through innovative re- and upskilling programmes. Based ...

Making public data more accessible

Making public data more accessible

All over central Europe, public and private institutions gather data that should be openly available. However, these public open data are often not easily accessible and real-time updates are missing. The DoorCE project changes this by establishing local open data hubs. In these, the partners help institutions to offer high-quality, dynamic data that are accessible to all citizens through innovative digital services. The partners ...

Helping the automotive sector to master the green transition

Helping the automotive sector to master the green transition

The automotive industry is in the middle of a transformative shift driven by climate change, disruptive technologies, and global competition. Smaller and medium-sized companies sometimes struggle to take up trends like electrification, connectivity, automation, and the platform economy. The Drive2Transform project helps them to master this shift by developing a cross-regional strategy and deploying an open transformation platform for the automotive sector. Through the ...

Helping public authorities to make better use of data

Helping public authorities to make better use of data

Data is the raw material for territorial governance in our digital age, but public authorities often lack capacities to utilise data effectively. At the same time, the vast expertise of civil society and the private sector on technological issues remains untapped for solving urban issues. The EnCLOD project bridges this gap by fostering collaboration between local authorities, civily society, and the private sector in ...

Reducing food waste at schools through repurposing

Reducing food waste at schools through repurposing

Food waste has negative social, environmental, and economical impacts. It is estimated that about 20% of all food produced is wasted in the EU every year - and school canteens even throw away up to 70% of their prepared meals. The foodCIRCUS project works with schools to minimize this food waste. It promotes food waste prevention, and explores innovative circular methods like repurposing waste ...

Building on past heritage for future development

Building on past heritage for future development

Central Europe has a vast cultural heritage related to World War I with significant potential to accelerate socio-economic development in rural areas. However, the joint management of this heritage remains challenging as it is dispersed across various countries and lacks a cohesive strategy for preservation and utilisation. The GOV4PeaCE project establishes a joint vision for managing the war-related cultural heritage across borders and sectors. ...

Greening the delivery of social services
Green LaMiS

Greening the delivery of social services

Greening the delivery of products to people has been addressed for many years - but what about the delivery of social services? Offering these to people at home is often unsustainable, it causes CO2 emissions and traffic issues. The Green LaMiS project develops a common strategy for a more sustainable delivery of home social services based on carbon footprint calculations and territorial characteristics. The ...

Cleaning up the chemical industry

Cleaning up the chemical industry

The chemical industry in central Europe struggles with excessive waste, high greenhouse gas emissions, and a strong reliance on petroleum-based materials. The GreenChemForCE project helps companies to change production processes from linear production streams to circular systems. The partners test new technologies that reduce hazardous solvents and reuse remaining ones. They also develop a strategy for the production of greener chemicals and train a ...

Co-designing sustainable mobility for commuters

Co-designing sustainable mobility for commuters

Commuting from nearby places into cities is a major source of urban greenhouse gas emissions and the lack of sustainable mobility options heavily contributes to the problem. The GreenPATH project co-designs smart and green mobility options for students and employees together with mobility managers. More concretely, the partners develop a joint strategy for the integrated governance of commuter flows and draft action plans for ...

Greening district heating systems

Greening district heating systems

Many district heating systems in central Europe still rely heavily on fossil fuels. New approaches utilize various heat sources but are complex to implement. The HEAT 35 project supports eight regions and cities in the transition process to run their district heating systems on 50% of renewables and waste heat by 2035. The partners involve district heating operators and experts to design new solutions. ...

Establishing renewable energy communities in central Europe

Establishing renewable energy communities in central Europe

Central Europe is phasing out fossil fuels but related costs remain high. Extensive investments in renewables and energy efficiency are needed. Renewable energy communities (REC) can help with that. They enable collective and citizen-driven actions, such as the production and sharing of renewable energy. The HERCULES-CE project promotes the introduction of these communities strategically and in local pilot actions. The partners test innovative data-driven ...

Rolling out green hydrogen to electrify the economy

Rolling out green hydrogen to electrify the economy

Sector-coupling is a promising approach to replace fossil fuels with renewables. However, this idea of “electrifying” the entire economy requires the rollout of new technologies and rules. The HyEfRe project helps with this by establishing green hydrogen ecosystems in eight regions. The partners foster an investment-friendly environment for renewable energy and green hydrogen technologies. They evaluate hydrogen potentials with a new model and develop ...

Increasing the resilience of heritage sites in river basins

Increasing the resilience of heritage sites in river basins

Climate change increases the intensity and frequency of hydrometeorological events, including landslides, flash floods, storms, heat waves or prolonged drought periods. Amongst other negative consequences, this endangers natural and cultural heritage sites close to river basins. The INACO project strengthens the resilience of these by deploying joint adaptation strategies. The partners also design and test new WebGIS-based solutions for heritage sites and tools for ...

Introducing microwave imaging to hospitals

Introducing microwave imaging to hospitals

Healthcare institutions suffer from a considerable undersupply of employees as well as from a lack of sufficient infrastructure and equipment. The project MedWaveImage tackles this growing challenge by transferring cutting-edge technologies from near-by universities to hospitals. The partners focus especially on the potentials of microwave imaging, which can be used to develop portable and cost-effective devices for treating diseases like breast cancer and monitoring ...

Improving public transport planning in rural areas

Improving public transport planning in rural areas

Transport policy in rural areas is still too often focused on cars. To reduce land use for streets and offer more sustainable mobility options, the NUTSHELL@CE project will transform transport planning in these areas. Partners from eight countries work towards a public transport system that is based on integrated spatial and transport planning. This new approach will increase flexibility, offer better access to transport ...

Developing smart tools for green public transport

Developing smart tools for green public transport

Public transport in small- and medium-sized central European cities is challenged by a decline of customers, difficult long-term planning and suburban connectivity gaps. To improve this situation and at the same time create more eco-friendly urban mobility systems, the OPTI-UP project fuses transport and urban planning with data-driven methods. New solutions for demand-responsive transport, intelligent route planning and fleet optimisation are tested by the ...

Cleaning up contaminated soils in central Europe

Cleaning up contaminated soils in central Europe

In many of our regions, agricultural soils are contaminated by various pollutants. Moreover, these lands are still used for growing food or animal feed, leading to an uncontrolled uptake of pollutants into the human food chain. The PoLaRecCE project works on a sustainable land management programme and tests cutting-edge tools and techniques to remediate degraded soils for non-food agricultural production. The partners disseminate knowledge ...

Designing a common framework for forest restoration

Designing a common framework for forest restoration

Forests in central Europe are suffering from climate change, physical disturbances and unsustainable management. To reverse their decline requires joint restoration efforts beyond borders but there are no commonly agreed restoration definitions and guidelines, yet. The RE-ENFORCE project addresses this absence by drafting a transnational restoration strategy, based on experiences made in pilot actions with a newly developed, web-based decision support system. The partners ...

Making historic courtyards fit for climate change

Making historic courtyards fit for climate change

Historic cities often find it difficult to become resilient to climate change. Especially in their centre, quartered buildings with internal courtyards need special attention while tools and policies for their adaptation are missing. The RE-PUBLIC SPACES project involves local communities and applies participatory methods in changing this. The partners develop a new methodology to analyse courtyards as a single spatial organism and prepare adaptation ...

Restoring urban streams to improve the micro climate in cities

Restoring urban streams to improve the micro climate in cities

Ecological restoration could help overheated cities with improving micro-climatic conditions and halting the decline of biodiversity. However, restoring green and blue nature corridors still lacks widespread acceptance among urban planners. The ReBioClim project addresses the many barriers and challenges for their nature-based solutions and strengthen the provision of sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem services. The partners focus on the re-establishment of urban streams. They analyse ...

Reducing the energy consumption of transport systematically

Reducing the energy consumption of transport systematically

Transport remains a huge consumer of energy in central European countries. It is still highly dependent on fossil fuels and produces enormous emissions. Partners in the REDU-CE-D project work together to increase efficiency of different modes of transportation by transposing the European energy directive. They develop and disseminate a customized environmental management system based on EU requirements and a joint strategy. In this process, ...

Innovating the rehabilitation care system

Innovating the rehabilitation care system

Rehabilitation is care that helps people get back or improve abilities necessary for their daily life. The challenge is that such a care often lies with the family without much systemic or technological support. The RehAlliance project helps MedTech companies to break-through and accelerate the commercilisation of their products. The project partners share experiences and good practices to develop a set of policy recommendations ...

Making the mechanical sector more circular

Making the mechanical sector more circular

The manufacturing industry in central Europe uses a lot of resources but recycles only 12%. To improve circularity, waste streams need to be better understood and new solutions developed. The REUSE2030 project analyses current waste streams and circular practices in the mechanical sector. This leads to a new digital circular inventory, which empowers mechanical companies to autonomously choose sustainable practices. The inventory is complemented ...

Reducing barriers for prosumers of solar energy in cities

Reducing barriers for prosumers of solar energy in cities

A wider use of solar energy in urban areas is often hindered by insufficient policy frameworks that lead to administrative, technological, and financial barriers. The Solar4CE-Cities project helps cities to change this by promoting the prosumption approach. Prosumers are citizens or entities that not only consume but also produce renewable energy and thus contribute to decarbonise their communities. The partners assess existing prosumer schemes, ...

Helping regions to adapt buildings to extreme weather

Helping regions to adapt buildings to extreme weather

Central Europe experiences climatic changes with a growing number and severity of extreme weather events. Communities are affected by climate-related hazards that impact their ecosystems and their built environment. The SuPeRBE project helps local and regional authorities in their adaptation efforts. The partners develop a new digital toolkit, which features a multi-scale assessment tool for the adaptation of buildings, decision-making methodologies, and a 3D ...

Crafting new products from industrial waste

Crafting new products from industrial waste

Approaches to circular economy are often fragmented and inefficient. They suffer from a lack of cooperation and symbiosis across sectors. The SYMCRAFT project fosters collaboration between the craft sector and key industries like textiles, wood, furniture, and agri-food. The partners focus on the challenge of repurposing industrial waste from these sectors into innovative craft products. They pioneer eco-friendly business models tailored to the craft ...

Making entrepreneurship more attractive for neglected groups

Making entrepreneurship more attractive for neglected groups

Entrepreneurship in central Europe is marked by limited inclusiveness. Women, migrants, and young people are still underrepresented when it comes to building a business. TASK4ISI embraces the potential of these “missing” entrepreneurs by establishing inclusive “entrepreneurship and social innovation hubs”. The partners develop and test specific learning programmes and craft strategies for a sustainable and inclusive growth of central European regions. In their pilots, ...

Providing better service and information for cross-border travellers

Providing better service and information for cross-border travellers

Cross-border connectivity is crucial for people in peripheral areas. But they often lack efficient service and information on public transport links to regions across borders. The TRANS-BORDERS+ project targets this issue by introducing new services and digital information systems that help with planning public transport journeys in border regions. Project partners from five countries develop solutions like open journey planners that link travel information ...

Making it safer to swim in urban lakes and rivers

Making it safer to swim in urban lakes and rivers

When it’s hot in summer there is nothing better than taking a swim. However, in central European cities this might not be a good idea: 65% of urban surface waters meet only minimum quality standards. The project UrbanBlueHealth improves this condition by first assessing health impacts and then creating new solutions for cleaning up urban lakes and rivers. Amongst others, the partners develop a ...

Developing a master plan to protect urban biodiversity

Developing a master plan to protect urban biodiversity

The loss of biodiversity due to climate change is enormous, also in urban areas. To counter this negative development, the URBIO BAUHAUS project protects and boosts urban biodiversity by combining aesthetic design, citizen participation, and science. With this holistic approach, the project innovatively integrates “New European Bauhaus” principles to develop urban biodiversity solutions. The partners create and test biodiverse islands to preserve keystone species ...

Turning cars into power banks

Turning cars into power banks

The transformation of our energy systems to renewable energies poses many challenges. One challenge is that renewable energy fluctuates largely over time and needs to be balanced to match demand. The Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology offers a solution by allowing cars to draw energy from the grid to recharge their battery. Or send it back to the grid. The V4Grid project addresses regulatory challenges and ...

Fighting wildfires better together across borders
Wildfire CE

Fighting wildfires better together across borders

Climate change increases the threat of wildfires across central Europe. Since they often affect more than one region, fighting these fires needs better cooperation and information sharing. The Wildfire CE project improves the assessment and management of wildfire risks by mapping fire potentials, providing fire assessment manuals, and developing action plans for pilot regions. In cooperation with regional authorities and emergency services, the partners ...

Transforming industrial regions with a focus on soft skills
x-Inno Radar

Transforming industrial regions with a focus on soft skills

Industrial regions in central Europe are amidst a heavy transformation of their economic and social base. It is especially the non-metropolitan regions who must change profoundly in response to global economic trends, political demands, and structural disadvantages. The X-Inno Radar project increases their agility and innovativeness by strengthening soft skills. The partners jointly apply a new place-based approach, which centers around transversal skills, maker ...