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46 m €

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Projects: 27 results

Empowering agricultural innovation

Empowering agricultural innovation

Farmers and food companies are slower in adopting digital technologies in comparison to other sectors. It is therefore necessary to make farms and food industries aware of digitalisation advantages and benefits, in particular by providing them with success stories and testing with them how a technology can concretely be useful. The AGRI-DIGITAL GROWTH project introduces central European farmers and food companies to precision and ...

Optimising bridge maintenance

Optimising bridge maintenance

Bridges are critical transport infrastructure and need regular maintenance to be safe. Smart systems help with monitoring and allow to optimise maintenance processes. But they carry a high price tag. The BIM4CE project designs a new bridge management solution that will be effective for less money. The solution will be based on already existing technology and scalable. It will pave the way not only ...

Beating burnout at the workplace

Beating burnout at the workplace

The prevalence of anxiety, burnout syndrome, and depression at the workplace increases. Such health issues account for over 20% of all sick leaves. The BURNOUT PREVENT project strengthens entrepreneurial skills and develops innovative service solutions for an improved burnout prevention in selected industry sectors. In this process, the partners consider three main aspects of burnout: the corporate environment, spare time and digital stress. Their ...

Building capacity for digital, green and creative business transformation

Building capacity for digital, green and creative business transformation

Many companies lack internal capacities for transforming their business models to a more sustainable one. The Capacity2Transform project promotes innovative business support scheme that systematically help companies to adapt and bring more sustainable products and solutions to the market. Project connects businesses, training institutions, research organisations and policy makers into a supportive digital, green and creative innovation ECOSYSTEM and supports the efforts of CCIs ...

Helping companies to go digital in a responsible way

Helping companies to go digital in a responsible way

The digital transformation is putting established ways of doing business to the test. This offers opportunities, but also harbours risks. Companies have to be aware of their digital responsibilities to shape the process of digitalisation and guarantee it serves the best interests of citizens. The COEUS project supports small and medium companies to meet legal requirements and make digital responsibility a normal part of ...

Helping regions to speed up the green transition of small companies

Helping regions to speed up the green transition of small companies

Small and medium enterprises account for nearly a third of carbon emissions. At the same time, many regions are not able to support their decarbonisation. The CREDIT4CE project builds the support capacities of such regions to take forward the green transition. The partners train them on technology transfer and speed up the development and uptake of innovative technologies needed for “net zero”. They design ...

Facilitating the introduction of advanced packaging materials

Facilitating the introduction of advanced packaging materials

Next-gen packaging solutions can considerably increase the shelf life of food, help reduce food waste and minimize the ecological footprint of packaging. However, traditional central European agri-food companies struggle to assess the impact of advanced packaging solutions on their production due to limited resources. To change this, the D4PACK project creates a technology transfer service that helps companies to better understand and estimate the ...

Taking the stress out of the digital transformation

Taking the stress out of the digital transformation

The digital transformation offers new opportunities for companies but also increases complexity. Especially employees over 55 can suffer from digital stress or burnout at the workplace. The Digi-B-Well project helps companies to transform and make employees fit for the digital age. The partners upskill competences of managers, public authorities, and academia to better prevent digital stress and burnout. They develop and test new tools ...

Transforming care facilities for the elderly

Transforming care facilities for the elderly

Society is aging fast and taking care of the elderly is becoming a challenge. Digital solutions offer support to nursing staff but the potential of digitisation is still underused. The DigiCare4CE project promotes innovative solutions that improve care quality and develops a transnational strategy for the digital transformation of care facilities. The partnership tests the deployment of new technologies in pilot actions and elaborates ...

Improving market access for care innovations

Improving market access for care innovations

The health sector is digitalising fast. Innovative solutions are being developed but their market entry or broader application often fails due to structural shortcomings. The DIGIVITALITY project helps health care innovations to enter the health care market faster and to scale up more easily. To do so, the partnership develops a blueprint for smoother collaboration among start-ups, med-techs, hospitals and innovation hubs, which is ...

Fabricating better skills for the manufacturing industry

Fabricating better skills for the manufacturing industry

The World Economic Forum identified skills gaps in local labour markets as a main barrier to the adoption of new technologies in manufacturing. It predicted in 2020 that 40% of core skills will change within five years, putting pressure on manufacturing companies to reskill or upskill employees fast. The DiSTT project improves local skills in digital fabrication through innovative re- and upskilling programmes. Based ...

Making public data more accessible

Making public data more accessible

All over central Europe, public and private institutions gather data that should be openly available. However, these public open data are often not easily accessible and real-time updates are missing. The DoorCE project changes this by establishing local open data hubs. In these, the partners help institutions to offer high-quality, dynamic data that are accessible to all citizens through innovative digital services. The partners ...

Helping the automotive sector to master the green transition

Helping the automotive sector to master the green transition

The automotive industry is in the middle of a transformative shift driven by climate change, disruptive technologies, and global competition. Smaller and medium-sized companies sometimes struggle to take up trends like electrification, connectivity, automation, and the platform economy. The Drive2Transform project helps them to master this shift by developing a cross-regional strategy and deploying an open transformation platform for the automotive sector. Through the ...

Improving access to funding for market-driven research

Improving access to funding for market-driven research

Funding schemes for market-driven research and innovation are rare in central Europe. Finance providers and policy makers often shy away from introducing such schemes due to their complexity. The FI4NN project is changing this by supporting the co-design of new finance instruments in regions that want to boost research and innovation. A knowledge centre promotes innovative instruments that already exist elsewhere and new financial ...

Supplying food in a more sustainable way

Supplying food in a more sustainable way

Alternative food networks seek to transform food supplies by connecting ethical producers and consumers more directly. Systemic policies to support such networks are widely missing in central Europe and it is time to change this. The FOOD4CE project establishes local and transnational hubs for the food and logistics sectors, in which they can exchange good practices and take up innovative technologies. The hubs will ...

Transforming value chains of the manufacturing industry

Transforming value chains of the manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry in central Europe is challenged by change. Global supply chains are increasingly disrupted and the green transition demands more sustainable, smarter value chains. The GREENE 4.0 project supports manufacturing companies in piloting such new value chains. The project also helps to co-design new products and services through open innovation approaches. In these they bring together the business sector with the education ...

Certifying impact-driven top executives

Certifying impact-driven top executives

Futurepreneurs are professionals that are driven by purpose and impact. They take on societal challenges and climate change with an entrepreneurial mindset and want to improve our lives. The GREENPACT project sets up partnerships between companies and futurepreneurs. The aim is to develop a certification scheme for a new generation of impact-driven top executives. To this end, the project develops joint action plans, pilot ...

Digitalising patient-oriented health care
Health Labs4Value

Digitalising patient-oriented health care

Health care has to digitalise to cope with an aging population and a growing number of patients with chronic diseases. Digital solutions often exist but their transfer from one ecosystem to another remains challenging. The Health Labs4Value project supports the transfer of digital solutions through living labs. These bring together health care organisations and companies as well as policy makers and patients to jointly ...

Helping businesses profit from cycling routes

Helping businesses profit from cycling routes

The potential of transnational cycling routes for tourism is still underdeveloped in central Europe. This includes the Iron Curtain Eurovelo Trail, which connects regions from Poland to Croatia along the European Green Belt. The ICTr-CE project improves the business case for this route by developing new tourism products. These result from a newly developed participatory business model, which strengthens the innovation capacities of local businesses.

Introducing microwave imaging to hospitals

Introducing microwave imaging to hospitals

Healthcare institutions suffer from a considerable undersupply of employees as well as from a lack of sufficient infrastructure and equipment. The project MedWaveImage tackles this growing challenge by transferring cutting-edge technologies from near-by universities to hospitals. The partners focus especially on the potentials of microwave imaging, which can be used to develop portable and cost-effective devices for treating diseases like breast cancer and monitoring ...

Creating smart villages
More than a Village

Creating smart villages

Many rural areas in central Europe struggle with the digital transition. Strategies to become smarter and stay competitive are either missing or hard to transfer. The project “More than a village” is changing this. The partnership develops a smart village model that will make rural regions more attractive for people and businesses. The partnership tests the model including action plans in five different regions ...

Digitalising rural home care

Digitalising rural home care

Elderly and vulnerable people wish to be taken care of in their homes. But technical solutions to support independent living of people in need of care are often missing, especially in rural regions. The PROCAREFUL project wants to improve the situation by developing a new model for hybrid homecare services. The partners work on a solution that combines face-to-face care with remote and digital ...

Innovating the rehabilitation care system

Innovating the rehabilitation care system

Rehabilitation is care that helps people get back or improve abilities necessary for their daily life. The challenge is that such a care often lies with the family without much systemic or technological support. The RehAlliance project helps MedTech companies to break-through and accelerate the commercilisation of their products. The project partners share experiences and good practices to develop a set of policy recommendations ...

Preparing companies for a greener future

Preparing companies for a greener future

Countless companies will have to change their business models to stay competitive. They need to innovate to be prepared for a greener and more digital future. One way to cope with this challenge is to seek support from so-called innomediaries that function as innovation bridgers or change agents. The SMERF project offers smaller companies guidance on working with innomediaries. The project also creates a ...

Making entrepreneurship more attractive for neglected groups

Making entrepreneurship more attractive for neglected groups

Entrepreneurship in central Europe is marked by limited inclusiveness. Women, migrants, and young people are still underrepresented when it comes to building a business. TASK4ISI embraces the potential of these “missing” entrepreneurs by establishing inclusive “entrepreneurship and social innovation hubs”. The partners develop and test specific learning programmes and craft strategies for a sustainable and inclusive growth of central European regions. In their pilots, ...

Integrating virtual reality into medical education

Integrating virtual reality into medical education

Medical interventions are increasingly digitalised but training of health care staff is still lagging behind. The VReduMED project helps to untap the potential of virtual and augmented reality for their education. The partnership develops a roadmap for virtual reality training products and services and will publish a handbook on the integration of virtual reality into health care education. They also set up three regional ...

Transforming industrial regions with a focus on soft skills
x-Inno Radar

Transforming industrial regions with a focus on soft skills

Industrial regions in central Europe are amidst a heavy transformation of their economic and social base. It is especially the non-metropolitan regions who must change profoundly in response to global economic trends, political demands, and structural disadvantages. The X-Inno Radar project increases their agility and innovativeness by strengthening soft skills. The partners jointly apply a new place-based approach, which centers around transversal skills, maker ...