Freight tracks on the road
tarasov_vl from Getty Images


Project overview

Improving ACCESSibility of last MILE connections of rural and peripheral regions to main TEN-T nodes in Central Europe through ICT

The trans-European transport networks carry a large share of long-distance freight transport across Europe. But connections between the main nodes of these networks and rural or peripheral regions are rather weak, with negative consequences for transport operators. The ACCESSMILE project improves the accessibility of such regions with the networks. To this end, the partners pilot new strategies and action plans to optimise IT processes related to transport flows, gates and cargo bundling.

2,03m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


Project partnership

Project partners

Italia (IT)

Lead partner

Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea

Special projects unit
via Karl Ludwig von Bruck 3
34144 Trieste
Italy (IT)

Project partner

Via Sommacampagna 61
37137 Verona
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
181,280 €
Special Projects and Innovation Unit
Via del Molo 1
19126 La Spezia
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
204,620 €
Strategic Development Department
Vojkovo nabrežje 38
6501 Koper
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
200,300 €
Riva 1
51000 Rijeka
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
183,400 €
Weiss Manfred str. 5-7
1211 Budapest
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
191,440 €
Elnök utca 1
1089 Budapest
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
202,050 €
Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego 60
81-127 Gdynia
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
184,300 €
Ul. Chorzowska 150
40101 Katowice
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
204,100 €
Ost-West-Straße 32
18147 Rostock
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
184,600 €



Pilot actions



Strategy for improving the last mile accessibility of rural and peripheral areas to TEN-Ts through ICT Deliverable no. D.1.1.2

Activity 1.1 is devoted to jointly assessing the current situation on last mile accessibility of rural and peripheral area in CE to the main freight nodes of TEN-T networks and elaborating a transnational strategy to improve it. As a first step, PPs analyse the status quo in this domain by assessing bottlenecks and market potential, including currently applied ICT tools. PP8-RSOE investigates good practices in the European and international context and carries out a comparative benchmarking study, assessing regions against each other, identifying which best practice could feed further project activities in a work paper. Following that, PPs jointly draft a strategy setting a vision, objectives and priorities aimed at the optimisation of transport flows and reduction of environmental externalities through IT tools, covering the three domains of: 1. Vehicle Booking Systems/pre-arrival or pre-exit notification, port/terminal gates; 2. Port/terminal gates and interoperability among public/private IT systems; 3. Cargo bundling Aim of this document is to provide PPs with a common template as to co-design Deliverable D.1.1.2 “Strategy for improving the last mile accessibility of rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts through ICT”.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Action plan for improving the last mile accessibility of CE rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts through traffic management IT tools and VBS - Deliverable no. D.1.2.3 – output no. 1.3

Activity 1.1 is devoted to jointly planning the improvement of accessibility of rural and peripheral areas to TEN-T nodes through IT tools, covering the three domains of: 1. Vehicle Booking Systems/pre-arrival or pre-exit notification, port/terminal gates; 2. Port/terminal gates and interoperability among public/private IT systems; 3. Cargo bundling Aim of this document is to provide PPs with a common template as to co-design Deliverable D.1.2.3 “Action Plan for improving the last mile accessibility of rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts through ICT”.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Action plan for improving the last mile accessibility of CE rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts by enhancing port/terminal gates and entry/exit IT tools and procedures Deliverable no. D.1.3.3 – output no. 1.4

Activity 1.1 is devoted to jointly planning the improvement of accessibility of rural and peripheral areas to TEN-T nodes through IT tools, covering the three domains of: 1. Vehicle Booking Systems/pre-arrival or pre-exit notification, port/terminal gates; 2. Port/terminal gates and interoperability among public/private IT systems; 3. Cargo bundling Through this document, drafted by PP2-ZAILOG, PP3-Port of La Spezia (Italy), PP4-Luka Koper (Slovenia), PP8-RSOE (Hungary) and PP9-BCT (Poland) jointly break down the goals of the transnational Strategy for improving the last mile accessibility of rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts through ICT (deliverable D.1.1.2) in an action plan for optimising last mile accessibility of CE rural and peripheral areas by improving port/terminal gates and entry/exit IT tools and procedures, with specific tasks for each PP, KPIs, time line, financial resources needed.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Action plan for improving the last mile accessibility of CE rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts by adopting cargo bundling and tracking IT tools Deliverable no. D.1.4.3 – output 1.5

WP1 is devoted to jointly planning the improvement of accessibility of rural and peripheral areas to TEN-T nodes through IT tools, covering the three domains of: 1. Vehicle Booking Systems/pre-arrival or pre-exit notification, port/terminal gates; 2. Port/terminal gates and interoperability among public/private IT systems; 3. Cargo bundling This action plan, jointly drafted by PP6-LCAS (Austria), PP10-GRUBER (Poland) and PP11-ROSTOCK (Germany), breaks down the goals of the transnational Strategy for improving the last mile accessibility of rural/peripheral areas to TEN-Ts through ICT (deliverable D.1.1.2) in an action plan for optimising last mile accessibility of CE rural and peripheral areas by adopting cargo bundling and tracking IT tools, with specific tasks for each PP, KPIs, time line, financial resources needed.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Solutions topic1: transport flow management and VBS - output 3.1

Led by PP7, LP (IT), PP5 (HR) and PP7 (HU) jointly co-design the solutions derived from the pilot action’s outcomes achieved in each site, focusing on IT tools applied to VBS and transport flow management, including indications of the actions needed for them to be taken up or up-scaled.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Solutions topic2: gates & entry/exit tools and procedures - output 3.2

Led by PP2, PP2, PP3 (IT), PP4 (SI), PP8 (HU) and PP9 (PL) jointly co-design the solutions derived from the pilot action’s outcomes achieved in each site, focusing on gates and entry/exit IT tools and procedures, including indications of the actions needed for them to be taken up or up-scaled.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Solutions topic3: cargo bunding and tracking - output 3.3

Led by PP10, PP6 (AT), PP10 (PL) and PP11 (DE) jointly co-design the solutions derived from the pilot action’s outcomes achieved in each site, focusing on cargo bundling and tracking IT tools, including indications of the actions needed for them to be taken up or up-scaled
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Organisations cooperating across borders - output 3.4

PPs sign an MoU taking up all the project's results and agreeing to continue cooperation after the project’s end not only on the improvement of the accessibility of peripheral and rural areas to the main TEN-T nodes through ICT, but also on additional topics, such as cybersecurity This output refers to the number of PPs cooperating in the project.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Project videos

Project documents

General presentation materials



Newsletter #1 ACCESSMILE September 2023 Newsletter September 2023
Newsletter #2 ACCESSMILE March 2024 Newsletter March 2024
Newsletter #3 ACCESSMILE September 2024 Newsletter September 2024


1 ACCESSMILE A4 Brochure Accessmile


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Alberto Cozzi
Phone: 00393351515707

Finance Manager

Alberto Cozzi
Phone: 00393351515707

Communication Manager

Simone Pacciardi
Phone: 00390187546377