Project overview
Bridge monitoring using real-time data and digital twins for Central Europe
Bridges are critical transport infrastructure and need regular maintenance to be safe. Smart systems help with monitoring and allow to optimise maintenance processes. But they carry a high price tag. The BIM4CE project designs a new bridge management solution that will be effective for less money. The solution will be based on already existing technology and scalable. It will pave the way not only to more cost-efficient and safer smart systems in bridge monitoring but also in other sectors.
2,70m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP)
Project partner
Engineering and Technology Transfer
40237 Düsseldorf
9000 Murska Sobota
Department of Structures / Section for Bridges and Engineering Structures
Road Safety
9000 Murska Sobota
Specific Problem

Different approaches are used today for bridge maintenance with routine controls still being by far the most common. At different sites in Europe, sophisticated systems using sensors, artificial intelligence, digital twins and other innovative technology are already in use. However, these systems typically have to be developed individually for the use case at hand making them complex and cost-intensive.
Our idea

Our idea is to develop a standardized, cost-effective digital bridge monitoring system for central Europe.
Our solution

BIM4CE is designing a generalized solution for bridge management consisting of hardware and software for data gathering, connectivity infrastructure, data analysis, data storage, and decision management.
How it works

Technologies and methodologies already developed in earlier projects will be used as well as seizing opportunities of innovation in form of configurable, flexible sensor foils for the large-scale application due to low production costs. Furthermore, the project has the unique possibility of testing and validating equipment under real conditions on the pilot bridge cites in Germany, Slovenia, and Italy. This will allow for a unique set of data and enable validation that will allow proving the adaptability of the system to end-users.

A bridge monitoring solution that is digital, affordable and scalable will benefit all countries and citizens in the European Union by enabling a more cost-efficient and safer asset management. Starting from bridges in central Europe, in the future other important buildings and assets will be equipped with similar smart systems for equal reasons.
Pilot actions

Jointly developed strategy for Central Europe aiming at the implementation and uptake of a standardized, scalable and cost-effective monitoring system for bridges

Jointly developed action plan consisting of precise methodologies for accomplishing the outlined strategy towards a bridge monitoring system based on real-time data acquisition & digital twins (A2.5)

BIM - approach (software)

Measurement solution (hardware)

Solution: Scalable, low-cost digital monitoring system for bridge monitoring with reduced complexity that can be implemented on bridges throughout Europe thereby facilitating maintenance

Action plan with precise measures for exploitation and dissemination in Central Europe of the developed solution
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.