
Project overview

Enhancement of capacities of SMEs, public authorities and academia for digitalisation, digital era-fit management and achievement of digital well-being.

The digital transformation offers new opportunities for companies but also increases complexity. Especially employees over 55 can suffer from digital stress or burnout at the workplace. The Digi-B-Well project helps companies to transform and make employees fit for the digital age. The partners upskill competences of managers, public authorities, and academia to better prevent digital stress and burnout. They develop and test new tools to self-assess digital maturity and digital transformation models in companies. In addition, a digitalisation strategy and action plans ensure the uptake of their innovative solutions into broader policy and business practices.

2,19m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


Project partnership

Project partners

Hrvatska (HR)

Lead partner

Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

Administrative Department for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Project Management
Adamićeva 10
51000 Rijeka
Croatia (HR)

Project partner

Department of Psychology
Viale Berti Pichat 5
40127 Bologna
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
273,087 €
Department of Economic Sciences and Media; Media and Communication Management Group
Ehrenbergstraße 29
98693 Illmenau
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
270,922 €
Seyfferstraße 34
70197 Stuttgart
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
234,998 €
Dimičeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
219,097 €
Gesztenyefa u. 4
9027 Gyor
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
192,982 €
Faculty of Business Management
Dolnozemská cesta 1/B
85235 Bratislava
Slovakia (SK)
Total partner budget
286,429 €
Cieszyńska 365
43382 Bielsko Biala
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
154,498 €
Fiľakovská cesta 287
98401 Lučenec
Slovakia (SK)
Total partner budget
155,960 €




©photo: Unsplash free image by TU Ilmenau

Taking the stress out of digital transformation, particularly for employees over 55. There needs to be more digital maturity and integration within triple helix (SMEs, public authorities, and academia) in Central Europe, alongside insufficient upskilling opportunities for leaders and employees.


Our project idea

©Photo: Unsplash free image by TU Ilmenau

We at Digi-B-Well are focused on creating a transnational digitalization strategy and toolkit tailored to the triple helix in Central Europe. We promote and support collaboration, upskilling, and sustainable digital best practices to drive smooth transformation and overcome digital needs and challenges among SMEs, public authorities, and academia.


How we work

©Photo: Unsplash free image by TU Ilmenau

We have three different Work Packages for the Digi-B-Well project. Work Package 1 focuses on analyzing digitalization needs and creating guidelines for modern operations using tools like the Digital Maturity Assessment Tool and Digital Density Index. It is led by the University of Bologna, Department of Psychology. Work Package 2 involves testing the Digi-B-Well toolkit and IT platform through pilot projects with SMEs, public authorities, and academia. The Technical University of Ilmenau, Media and Communication Management (MKM) group leads this effort. Lastly, Work Package 3 implements action plans across partner countries, builds competencies, certifies solutions, and promotes sustainable practices. It is led by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.


The aim of our project

©Photo: Unsplash free image by TU Ilmenau

The project aims to support and enhance digital skills and competencies across SMEs, public authorities, and academia while improving greater collaboration and developing innovative solutions for digital transformation, digital era-fit management, and the achievement of digital well-being. In addition, we also focus on implementing certified and sustainable digital solutions into daily practices.


Follow our project

Stay updated with the Digi-B-Well project’s progress, events, and key milestones on our social media platforms. Linkedin: Interreg CE Project DIGI-B-Well, Instagram: digi_b_well, and Facebook: Interreg CE Project DIGI-B-Well.



Pilot actions


Transnational digitalisation strategy of CE for digital transition of triple helix to digital management, governance, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being.

TN digitalisation strategy of CE for transformation of triple helix to digital management, operation and governance and prevention of digital stress / burnout, upskilling of leaders and their employees and achievement of digital well-being. A goal- oriented basis applicable throughout CE for digital transformation process within triple helix in midterm / long-term perspective. It will also determine necessary capacities, resources, skills and competences for the achievement of this goal.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Digi-B-Well solution for digital transformation and upskilling of CE triple helix (SMEs, public authorities and academia) and achievement of digital well- being

A tested solution for triple helix for desired digital transformation based on self-assessment tools of digital maturity, prevention/detection of their digital stress / burnout while considering age aspects and achievement of digital well-being. Maturity analysis will be followed by suggestions on how to tackle identified issues by offering a range of digital-era-fit operation models and guidance how to (re)configure their capacities, skills and resources for this goal
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in DE, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

DE AP developed by DE, SK & IT PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in HR, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

HR AP developed by HR, SK & PL PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in HU, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

HU AP developed by HU, SI & DE PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, 97 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 CE0200785 - Digi-B-Well Version 2.0, 2024-06-10 Output number 3.3 adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in IT, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

IT AP developed by IT, SK & DE PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in PL, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

PL AP developed by PL, SK & HR PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in SI, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

I AP developed by SI, DE & HU PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan for digital transformation in SK, upskilling and achievement of digital well-being

SK AP developed by SK, IT & HR PPs with measures “translating” TN strategy into implementation steps at territorial level: roadmap for transition of triple helix to digital era management, operation & governance (according „digitalisation” level of choice, needs or resources of institution), digital culture, prevention of digital stress/burnout, 99 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 CE0200785 - Digi-B-Well Version 2.0, 2024-06-10 Output number 3.7 adaptation to digital technologies, upskilling of leaders and employees and achievement of digital well-being
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Ljudevit Krpan
Phone: 0038551351900

Finance Manager

Luka Dragojević
Phone: 0038551351906

Communication Manager

Luka Dragojević
Phone: 0038551351906