Project overview

Demand REsponsive trAnsport integrating regional Mobility networks for PAssengers in Central Europe

Sustainable mobility offers are improving across central Europe but the various modes are not always seamlessly connected with each other. Such integration is especially challenging in sparsely populated regions but also cities struggle to meet customer expectations perfectly well. The DREAM_PACE develops demand-responsive transport concepts for regional mobility networks. The partners develop a strategy to integrate these into sustainable urban mobility plans and test operational innovations.

2,82m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


About the project

IMPROVING ACCESSIBILITY AND CONNECTIVITY IN CENTRAL EUROPE During its 36-month duration, DREAM_PACE will work to improve accessibility and connectivity in the Central Europe peripheral and rural areas, by integrating the Public Transport (PT) offer with Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services. This will be obtained by the development of innovative DRT concepts bridging regional mobility networks and the improvement of DRT planning and delivery capacities of public authorities and operators. DREAM_PACE project will tackle different specific challenges, targeting 6 areas of Central Europe, areas which have different background conditions. 1. We foster a better integration of DRT and public transport in Bologna (Italy), Pavia (Italy), Budapest (Hungary) 2. We support a better coordination among existing DRT initiatives through a bottom-up approach in Osttirol (Austria) and Baden-Wuerttenberg (Germany) 3. We experiment new integrated approaches for DRT "greenfield" in Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia).

Project partnership

Project partners

Italia (IT)

Lead partner

SRM Networks and Mobility

Via Alfredo Calzoni 1/3
40128 Bologna
Italy (IT)

Project partner

Via Fra Cristoforo 14/D
20142 Milano
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
299,560 €
Marketing; EU Projects
20138 Milano
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
223,285 €
Lónyay utca 34. 3. em. 21
1093 Budapest
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
189,604 €
Mobility Development
Rumbach Sebestyén utca 19-21
H1075 Budapest
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
228,100 €
10000 Zagreb
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
193,150 €
Department of Economy, EU funds and Agriculture
Domovinskog rata 2
21000 Split
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
265,059 €
Mobility Innovation
Raimundgasse 1/6
1020 Wien
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
196,100 €
Amlacherstrasse 12
9920 Lienz
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
236,020 €
Institut für Berufliche Bildung und Arbeitslehre (Cluster Mobilitätsforschung)
Sekr. MAR 1-1 - Marchstrasse 23
10587 Berlin
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
208,200 €
Infrastructure and Society
Willdenowstrasse 38
12203 Berlin
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
213,760 €
Clever Straße 13-15
50668 Köln
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
208,000 €



Step 1 - Analysis

This preliminary activity will provide an overview on status and trends of DRT digital and operational innovations in EU and CE regions, and deliver scenarios for the delivery of new services and options.


Step 2 - Living Labs

DREAM_PACE will set six Living Labs in order to map and engage stakeholder, as well as raising awareness among local communities and target groups. DREAM_PACE project will tackle different specific challenges, in areas which have different background conditions. 1. We foster a better integration of DRT and public transport in Bologna (Italy), Pavia (Italy), Budapest (Hungary). 2. We support a better coordination among existing DRT initiatives through a bottom-up approach in Osttirol (Austria) and Baden-Wuerttenberg (Germany) 3. We experiment new integrated approaches for DRT "greenfield" in Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia).


Step 3 - Pilots

In step 3, pilots, DREAM_PACE will jointly design innovative digital and service model blueprint enhancing existing and new DRT networks. This is done pursuing responsiveness in rural/peripheral areas, leveraging digital and operational innovative elements, and nudging change in the decision makers' process.


Step 4 - Common Strategy

DREAM_PACE will exploit the potential of integrated planning and digital and operational innovations for a common strategy and develop innovative Demand Response Transport modular solutions. The project implementation builds on transnational cooperation to guarantee an adequate responsiveness and adaptability of project results to specific characteristics of mobility ecosystems across CE rural and peripheral areas.


Step 5 - Communication, Knowledge Transfer, Uptake and Upscale

In step 5, DREAM_PACE will foster the take up and upscaling of DRT solutions and offer of innovative transport services to public and private decision makers and operators, in order to guiding adopters towards the implementation and upscaling of mobility provision.


Pilot actions


O.1.2. Mobility planning and governance model for DRT integration in public transport in peripheral and low demand areas

The common modular DRT model for integrated DRT-PT (D.1.2.3) in peripheral and low demand areas (jontly implemented, validated by testing), consists in: - A strategic planning approach to DRT (including guidance on data and tariffs); - A business planning tool for flexible management of DRT-PT; - A dedicated tendering procedure. The model will be taken up by partners in their mobility planning process. In fact, it complements the SUMP methodological approach enabling the planning of DRT measures
Type of output: Solutions
In development

O.1.4 Mobility planning and governance model for DRT coordination in peripheral and rural territories

The common modular model for governance and planning of a coordinated DRT network (D.1.2.4) enhancing accessibility in peripheral and rural regions (jointly implemented, validated by testing), consists in: - A governance scheme for the coordination of DRT - A strategic planning approach to DRT; - A business model for crowdsourcing. The model will be taken up by partners in their mobility planning process and complements the SUMP methodological approach enabling the planning of DRT measures.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

O.2.2 Digital/operational model enhancing the existing DRT networks providing better integration and coordination

The common modular digital/operational model enhancing DRT integration and coordination (D2.2.3), consists in: - tools for digitalization of existing services; - digital integration between DRT and PT; - operational hybrid DRT models enhancing flexibility (hotspots, integration of services); - new approaches to inclusiveness. The model, tested by partners on specific routes and validated, will be taken up and extended to new areas, and promoted to be adopted by more operators.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

O.2.4 New DRT service model enhancing accessibility in peripheral and rural areas

A new codesigned service (D.2.2.4) combining the innovation of emerging DRT digital platforms and the experience of local PT providers, assigned through a tendering procedure, with high potential of replicability in new rural and peripheral areas. The service, tested in a selected location in the Split-Dalmatia County and validated, will be taken up and extended to further rural and peripheral areas in the County. The approach will be promoted to be replicated in other Croatian and CE regions.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

O.3.1 Topic guide DRT 3.0 in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

The "Topic guide DRT 3.0 in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)" (D.3.1.3), builds on the outcomes of WP1 and WP2 activities. It will provide guidance for planning and delivering innovative, integrated and and inclusive DRT services in peripheral and rural areas. The strategy will be developed through a) continuous feedback with other project activities, b) active dialogue with stakeholders (including the members of the open tech and business community), and c) the EU consultation process.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

O.3.2 Jointly developed DRT 3.0 action plans for pilot regions

Based on the joint strategy and on the developed solutions, action plans (D.3.2.3) define and describe priority actions for the take up of DRT innovative concepts at local/regional level, competencies, responsibilities and timelines for the implementation within the existing mobility strategies, to make DRT innovative approach an integral part of the mobility planning processes. Each action plan will focus on the joint strategy and on the take up of solutions implemented on the territory.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Project videos

Project documents


D1.1.2_State of the art report DRT governance and planning This document serves as a comprehensive report on the diagnosis of Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) governance structures and planning processes in the six pilot areas of the DREAM_PACE project. The analysis focuses on key aspects such as territory and mobility context, existing services (public transport and DRT services), governance and planning approaches, aiming to identify gaps and specificities. The findings will be shared with relevant stakeholders primarily within the Living Labs frameworks at local level, as they represent the basis for drafting scenarios for the development and enhancement of DRT services within the co-design process. Moreover, the results of this analysis covering the six pilot areas will be re-elaborated in the communication process and disseminated through media channels to advocate for a more integrated approach to DRT. The six pilot areas are described - in chapters from 3 to 8 - through several characteristics, such as institutional stakeholders, decision makers and roles, planning and regulation processes, territorial scope and target groups, and funding. Notably, all territories are engaged in governance and planning improvements, focusing on strategic planning, recommendations on data governance and integration, business planning and tendering procedures. While in Bologna Metropolitan City (PP SRM), Budapest (BKK), Oltrepò Pavese (AG) and Split-Dalmatia County (SDC) pilots the efforts will be concentrated in better integrating DRT and public transport in a MaaS logic, Osttirol (RMO) and Stuttgart (nexus) areas focus on the development of coordinated DRT networks enhancing accessibility in peripheral and rural regions. At the same time, territories such as the Oltrepò Pavese area, Budapest, Osttirol , and Split-Dalmatia County are also active in DREAM_PACE pilots dedicated to the implementation or enhancement of DRT services focusing on operational and digitalization aspects, with the support of all partners. Overall, the document emphasizes the diversity of approaches and the collaborative efforts to address challenges and promote the integration of DRT into broader transportation systems. The conclusions of this report on the state of the art on governance structures and planning processes for DRT in the DREAM_PACE pilot areas provide useful takeaways that will be the primary input on which the next step of the DREAM_PACE Living Labs, i.e. the development of the future scenarios, will build on. Furthermore, chapter 10 contains the references of the document, while the Annex provides the template of the Survey used for collecting the information related to the pilot areas that are elaborated in the document.
D1.1.3_Development scenarios for DRT governance and planning After a brief background analysis, this deliverable presents the stages of scenario development for each pilot area for DRT innovative governance and planning approaches. All pilots are engaged in the topic. Partner organizations contributed to this report through the reporting of the results of their scenario development approaches and workshops, implemented according to the common DREAM_PACE methodology. Chapter 2 summarizes such a methodological background, based on the document D.3.1.1 “Methodological background for the design of DRT integrated solutions”. From here on, the chapters 3 to 8 illustrate the scenario development as started of each pilot, divided into the following steps: information on the process, strategy development, composing scenarios and scenario evaluation. Ultimately, one scenario will be selected or newly composed, which will undergo further refinement through a co-design process involving partners and stakeholders. Chapter 9 presents a summary at project level of the outcomes of the scenario development process in the pilot areas developing DRT innovative governance and planning approaches, highlighting the visions emerged and the main scenario components on which co-designed solutions will be developed. The present document is complemented with the slides provided to the Project Partners as Practical guidance for the scenario development exercise, that are based on Annex IV of D3.1.1 “Methodological background for the design of DRT integrated solutions”, named “Phase C: Scenario development”, elaborated to guide the partners ion the implementation of the scenario development phase of the methodology.


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Giuseppe Liguori
Phone: +39051361328

Finance Manager

Anja Seyfert
Phone: +491737995167

Communication Manager

Massimo Moraglio
Phone: +4917643167616