Project overview
Smart and green innovation approaches for scaling up digital transformation opportunities in CE
The manufacturing industry in central Europe is challenged by change. Global supply chains are increasingly disrupted and the green transition demands more sustainable, smarter value chains. The GREENE 4.0 project supports manufacturing companies in piloting such new value chains. The project also helps to co-design new products and services through open innovation approaches. In these they bring together the business sector with the education and research sectors and decision makers.
2,25m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
The manufacturing industry in central Europe is challenged by change. Global supply chains are increasingly disrupted, and the green transition demands more sustainable, smarter value chains. The GREENE 4.0 project supports manufacturing companies in piloting such new value chains. Furthermore, the project helps to co-design new products and services through open innovation approaches. In these it brings together the business sector with the education and research sectors and decision makers.
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
Pomurje Technology Pak
Project partner
Total partner budget
299,040 €
Total partner budget
291,984 €
Faculty of Social Sciences
Total partner budget
209,916 €
Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
Total partner budget
193,200 €
Total partner budget
195,720 €
Total partner budget
275,240 €
Total partner budget
271,740 €
Andrássy út 100 1062 Budapest
Hungary (HU) Web
Total partner budget
196,140 €
Pilot actions

Business leader giving a presentation to his team and explaining project plans on whiteboard in the office.
Transnational Strategy for Deploying GREENE 4.0 Innovation Platform
Policy Strategy for deploying GREENE 4.0 innovation platform in project regions, for transferring and capitalizing the platform capabilities to support development of smart and green products able to
generate new value chains between manufacturing supply-demand side in 7 pre-defined sectorial clusters.
Regional Action Plans: Operational document setting up the main activities,
actions and tasks for putting into practice the transnational strategy vision and framework for learning, transferring and replicating GREENE 4.0 innovation platform with its entire capabilities, services and tools.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plan text visible behind a torn office paper.
Regional Action Plans
Operational document setting up the main activities, actions and tasks for putting into practice the transnational strategy vision and framework for learning, transferring and replicating GREEN 4.0 innovation platform with its entire capabilities, services and tools.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Teamwork, hands and collaboration with a team of business people holding arms in a circle or huddle.
Transnational Memorandum of Understanding
Transnational Memorandum of Understanding serves to establish the cooperation between the partners and associated strategic partners of this project. The primary focus of the memorandum is to engage in discussions and efforts that promote intelligent and environmentally sustainable innovation approaches, with the goal of expanding digital transformation possibilities for manufacturing enterprises in Central Europe. With MoU the partnership has defined the purposes and conditions for collaboration, promoting discussions and information exchange among the partners in the following areas of mutual interest: - Continuing to strengthen innovation capacities in Central Europe through further development and strengthening of new value chains related to smart and green manufacturing in project’s regions. - Networking and strengthening the innovation capacity of smart manufacturing stakeholders in Central Europe. - Capitalizing of existing knowledge, solutions and outputs achieved by Parties through the implementation of synergic projects focused on smart and green manufacturing, on innovative products/solutions development, on business models generation and on support services related to digital and green transition of manufacturing companies. Fostering the transfer of know-how and best practices between Parties and increased cooperation between institutions/organisations in Central Europe regions.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Red marker with markers on the checklist sheet. Checklist completed task concept. Copy space
Tested User Acceptance Model
Strategic technical document describing the final form of the User Acceptance Model because of piloting and testing. The document describes the deployment steps of the tested user acceptance model for improving companies’ willingness to accept, adopt and use green technologies and digital technologies. Also, it comprises a package of recommendations regarding” how to use” tested UAM to scale it up and therefore improve the company’s acceptance for green and digital technologies adoption.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Happy business women working together online on a digital tablet in front of young team at the office
Transnational Open Knowledge Box
Interactive digital toolkit solution composed of open innovation map, open innovation tools, open knowledge training programs and private equity investment readiness tool.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Cropped image of male holding touch pad downloading media file via application, unrecognizable man using digital tablet browsing web page via 4G internet connection share content publication for blog
GREENE 4.0 innovation platform
The GreenPulse 5.0 platform will be an upgraded digital innovation platform aggregated upon LP existing digital platform which integrates existing
digital services and new product development, investment readiness and open innovation tools developed under the project providing open co-creation
capabilities to generate, test and pilot smart and green manufacturing new value chains models in 7 pre-defined sectorial clusters between manufacturing companies and solution providers.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Professional engineer team are checking and control automation robot arms machine in intelligent industrial factory, Monitoring software system of robotics welding and digital manufacturing operation.
User acceptance model
Empiric model describing how companies (big companies and SME’s) come to accept and use green technologies and digital technologies in correlation with the main variables and gaps that affects their operations in terms of supply chains, business models, production processes, distribution channels and consumer relation.
Type of output: Solutions

Multicultural warehouse staff creates logistical atmosphere that encourages empowerment, confidence. The collaborative and diverse team results in excellent performance and a strong sense of unity.
Smart and green manufacturing new value chains models
Piloting and testing of Transnational Open Knowledge Box and 2 new value chains during innovation programs as transnational co-creation solution based on supply-demand co-creation approach in prototyping, business modelling, product development processes applied under Transnational Digital Transformation Sites in 7 predefined sectorial manufacturing clusters. 1 regional /national new value chain model, 1 transnational new value chain model and 1 Transnational Open Knowledge Box is piloted.
Type of output: Solutions
In development
Project videos
Project documents
Greene 4.0 Newsletter
Greene 4.0 1st Newsletter
In this edition: Join the Greene 4.0 Transnational Conference on September 5, 2024 in Portorož! Get to know UAM to help SMEs adopt sustainable practices. Learn more about B2GreenHub, our initiative to support companies in their green and digital transformation.
Greene 4.0 2nd Newsletter
In this edition: How green and digital transformation is perceived by entrepreneurs from seven European countries; a step-by-step approach to help companies tackle green and digital challenges.
Greene 4.0 3rd Newsletter
In this edition: Discover the benefits of the circular economy, from boosting resilience and customer loyalty to reducing environmental impact and supporting SMEs.
Greene 4.0 4th Newsletter
In this edition: explore how innovation strengthens resilience through adaptability, employee engagement, and sustainability.
Greene 4.0 5th Newsletter
In this edition: discover how the User Acceptance Model (UAM) is reshaping the way SMEs embrace innovation and sustainability.
Greene 4.0 6th Newsletter
In this edition: explore impactful initiatives leading the way in packaging, energy, and manufacturing
Greene 4.0 7th Newsletter
In this edition: explore CSRD (The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
Greene 4.0 User Acceptance Model Brochure
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.