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Project overview

Management of urban water resources in Central Europe facing climate change

The impact of climate change is increasingly important for the design, construction, and maintenance of water infrastructure. Scarcity of water resources due to extreme weather events and falling groundwater levels threaten our cities and regions. The MAURICE project introduces new water management solutions for cities. The partnership helps to integrate these into broader concepts on regional climate change adaptation and encourages the uptake of urban water management tools and measures.

2,92m â‚¬

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


About the project

Climate changes pose a risk to water resources availability in many Central Europe countries. The regions need to increase resilience to extreme weather events as urban droughts and floods as well as depletion of urban groundwater resources. Both falling groundwater levels in long term and the excessive amounts of water in short period become urgent risks to be tackled by adequate water management practises. The project aims to enhance the capacity of regions in Central Europe for climate change resilience in the aspect of urban water resources management by joint development of climate change adaptation solutions. The project solutions to be adopted by public administrations and water management bodies will result in a change in water management and spatial planning practices to increase the resilience to climate change in regions. The cooperation network of 11 organisations will jointly develop and implement 6 pilot actions, 8 solutions, 6 action plans and strategies to the benefit of cities, regions and related water management and water supply organisations. In three years of cooperation we expect that undertaken activities and established cooperations will allow to increase awareness of local and regional policy makers through implementation of joint developed good practices to climate change adaptation of regions in the context of urban water management.

Project partnership

Project partners

Polska (PL)

Lead partner

Central Mining Institute

Department of Water Protection
Plac GwarkĂłw 1
40-166 Katowice
Poland (PL)

Project partner

Biuro ds. Geologii / Geology office
Ĺšw. Wojciecha 100
43-600 Jaworzno
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
236,496 €
Amt fĂĽr Umweltschutz (Department for Environmental Protection)
GaisburgstraĂźe 4
70182 Stuttgart
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
517,950 €
Masarykovo náměstí 1
504 01 NovĂ˝ BydĹľov
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
256,258 €
Ústav pro nanomateriály, pokročilé technologie a inovace / Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation
Studentska 2
46001 Liberec
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
261,870 €
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA)
Piazza L. Da Vinci 32
20133 Milano
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
369,600 €
Via Ariosto 30
20145 Milan
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
301,796 €
Groundwater - Hydrogeology
DimiÄŤevaulica 14
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
243,552 €
Vodovodna cesta 90
1001 Ljubljana
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
163,751 €
Department of Hydrotechnics
Hallerovaaleja 7
42000 VaraĹľdin
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
148,391 €
Trgslobode 12
42000 VaraĹľdin
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
51,996 €




We tackle the challenges of managing changing water quality, rainwater management and groundwater deficit management. We identified six different areas to support water resources in cities and preserve them for future generations. Our pilot actions aim to address the difficulties faced by various regions in Central Europe.





We provide climate change-adaptation solutions for public administration, water management and supply bodies in Central Europe. These joint-developed solutions together with a management strategy for modern urban water management considering climate change will foster behavioural change in water management and spatial planning practices.


Latest report on climate change related pressures on groundwater prognosis and assessments released

P2 Green



Latest report on climate change related pressures on groundwater prognosis and assessments released

Check out our latest report: "Concepts for prognosis and assessments of climate change related pressures on groundwater." With climate change uncertainty projected to impact short- and long-term decisions, the information provided in this report becomes indispensable.

Progress in Climate Change Adaptation Solutions Discussed at MAURICE Project Meeting

P2 Green



Progress in Climate Change Adaptation Solutions Discussed at MAURICE Project Meeting

We are delighted to share that the third meeting of the MAURICE project partners was successfully held in Stuttgart from 13-15 May 2024. The primary objective of the meeting was to discuss the progress made in developing an urban water management strategy that focuses on implementing climate change adaptation ...

MAURICE project field visit: Exploring Groundwater and Ecosystems in Milan

P2 Green



MAURICE project field visit: Exploring Groundwater and Ecosystems in Milan

Understanding irrigation networks in Milan was a key issue of a field visit with Politecnico di Milano's master's program students on March 27th, 2024. Students had the opportunity to witness the process of drilling a piezometer as well as observe a 'fontanili' in a protected area. See the movie!

Improving Rainwater Management in cities: Introducing Blue-Green Infrastructure

P2 Green



Improving Rainwater Management in cities: Introducing Blue-Green Infrastructure

The management of rainwater in newly developed areas poses a significant challenge. Balancing the need to prevent excessive surface sealing and uncontrolled water intrusion into the ground, especially in areas with shallow underground mining, requires innovative solutions. That's where blue-green infrastructure comes into play!

Uniting our efforts: collaboration for a better future for urban water management

P2 Green



Uniting our efforts: collaboration for a better future for urban water management

The success of the MAURICE project relies on the collaboration of diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, academic institutions, and design firms. By sharing knowledge, expertise, and experiences, we can collectively work towards developing sustainable solutions for urban water management in the face of climate change.

Quantifying resilience to climate change – results of a workshop on the Slovenian pilot action

P2 Green



Quantifying resilience to climate change – results of a workshop on the Slovenian pilot action

In the face of climate change, it is becoming necessary to safeguard the ability of our rivers to cope with increased water during storms. Heavy rains can put tremendous pressure on our sewer systems, threatening to overload them. With strategic planning and innovative approaches, we can prevent that.

Field Work: Exploring Groundwater Interactions in the VaraĹľdin Aquifer

P2 Green



Field Work: Exploring Groundwater Interactions in the VaraĹľdin Aquifer

Recently a team of representatives from the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb has embarked on an important field work expedition. Their mission was to gather valuable data on groundwater quality and the interaction between surface and groundwater in the VaraĹľdin aquifer.

What we need to know about the impact of climate change on water resources – MAURICE Interreg Central Europe project

P2 Green



What we need to know about the impact of climate change on water resources – MAURICE Interreg Central Europe project

Our most precious resource, the reservoir of water in the ground, is decreasing. Water authorities have been worried for a long time. The water supply of millions of people is at risk. MAURICE project supports your water management and helps to adapt to climate change. See our project movie!

Milan Pilot Action: Winter Irrigation for Groundwater Recharge

P2 Green



Milan Pilot Action: Winter Irrigation for Groundwater Recharge

The pilot action in Milan highlighted the importance of using available resources and reimagining traditional practices to mitigate the effects of climate change. Using the existing irrigation network and winter irrigation, collecting and storing water in the aquifer can address the challenges faced by farmers and the community at large.

How water behaves when infiltrating soil – water infiltration tests have started

P2 Green



How water behaves when infiltrating soil – water infiltration tests have started

Understanding the percolation capacity of the soil and how infiltration facilities respond to rainwater can help inform future infrastructure and landscaping decisions to mitigate flooding and protect water sources.


Exploring Water Resilience: Green Week 2024 Event “BE WATER our friends”

P2 Green





Exploring Water Resilience: Green Week 2024 Event “BE WATER our friends”

Planned on 6 June 2024 at Campus de El Carmen in Huelva, the event entitled "BE WATER our friends" has been sponsored by Green Week 2024. Join the event in Huelva to hear about the MAURICE network.

Discover the key role of groundwater in climate change adaptation this Saturday at ‘Fa’ la cosa giusta’ in Italty

P2 Green



In Person


Discover the key role of groundwater in climate change adaptation this Saturday at ‘Fa’ la cosa giusta’ in Italty

Join the world of sustainable practices and climate change adaptation at the "Fa' la cosa giusta" event this Saturday, March 23, 2024, 12:00 - 13:00.

Pilot actions


MAURICE network for enhancing climate change resilience in urban and regional water management

In the early stages of the project, a network has been created to encourage cross-border collaboration. This network, comprising project partners and associated partners, will engage in workshops and capacity-building activities to enhance urban water management skills. Its aim is to highlight relevant issues within each region's agenda and to advocate for their integration into the education and training of professionals.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Transnational Water Management strategy and action plans for the six municipalities /regional areas considered by the project

The transnational water management strategy and action plans of the six project partners are collaboratively crafted through a co-creation and design process, drawing insights from pilot activities. A comprehensive summary report will offer general direction for local and regional processes, consolidating the outcomes of local pilot initiatives as exemplary practices.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Tools for groundwater behavior forecast as support for public authorities’ decision making

Following the completion of the project period in each pilot action area, public authorities will have access to numerical model tools and "what if" analysis. These resources enable the monitoring of the effects of implemented adaptation measures. Beyond the project's scope, these tools can also aid in supporting policy decisions and forecasting the potential impacts of future adaptation measures.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

The guidelines to ensure groundwater availability and climate change resilience by adaptation measures

Collaborating partners from Italy, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, and Croatia will collaborate to devise technical adaptation solutions for each pilot action, focusing on mitigating the impacts of climate change on groundwater availability. The outcome will be a comprehensive technical document outlining the solutions in detail, including the necessary implementation information. This resource will empower public authorities and stakeholders to implement the guidelines on a broader scale, extending to other Central European countries. The solutions will be collectively deliberated upon during meetings of the Regional Implementation Groups, aiming to drive the implementation of the water management strategy.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

The guidelines for public administration to implement the beneficial rainwater management

The guidelines encompass processes for implementing rainwater management within the urban water cycle with the aim of enhancing cities' resilience to climate change. It delineates the hazards associated with rainfall, evaluates the city's capacity for rainwater reuse (comprising the water management study, defining the city's boundaries based on rainfall effects, and the feasibility of rainwater harvesting and reuse). Furthermore, it discusses incorporating rainwater reuse into spatial and investment planning and overcoming barriers to implementing rainwater management measures.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

The guidelines for the selection of rainwater treatment technologies for further use

The guidelines provide criteria for selecting and evaluating technologies suitable for treating and purifying rainwater collected from different sources contaminated with various pollutants. These technologies are intended for urban applications such as irrigating urban green spaces, road sprinkling, humidifying during hot weather, incorporating into building systems, recharging groundwater, and more.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

The guidelines for designing blue-green infrastructure for rainwater retention and groundwater recharge

The guidelines focus on designing residential areas and urban spaces that prioritize local water retention, reducing runoff, and enhancing the infiltration of precipitation across various types of land cover. The design includes strategies for managing excess runoff water by utilizing it for landscape irrigation during dry periods and recharging groundwater.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

The use of the infiltration capacity map from field investigation to planning, consent and decision-making

This adopted technical document serves as a resource for planners, spatial planners, and consenting bodies. It provides criteria for climate resilient design, planning, and benchmarking of urban drainage interventions. The document focuses on technical criteria that directly relate to the effectiveness of spatial regulation elements.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Surveying urban water mass flows and contaminants to set resilient drainage and infiltration targets

A technical document targeted towards sewerage managers and permit providers has been adopted as a concept for a focused study on mass flow distribution in urban areas. This study enables users to optimize sewerage and water treatment functions in order to enhance groundwater quality.
Type of output: Solutions
In development


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Grzegorz Gzyl
Phone: +48322592454

Finance Manager

Marek Pieszczoch
Phone: +48322592562

Communication Manager

Anna Skalny
Phone: +48322592454