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Project overview

Strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in central Europe

Urban and rural regions are growing closer together across central Europe. As a result, the focus of spatial planning moved up to the level of metropolitan regions, which include commuter belts around cities. But cooperation between a city and its hinterland often remains challenging. The MECOG-CE project overcomes this by connecting eight metropolitan regions in central Europe that identify, test and share good governance tools.

1,65m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


About the project

The MECOG-CE project will focus on strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe. The project aims to identify the best tools, procedures and examples of good practices for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe and apply them in metropolitan areas towards strengthening integrated metropolitan strategic and territorial development. The project is designed so that knowledge/tools/methods and examples of good practice can be applied to other partner cities of Central Europe that deal with metropolitan cooperation and governance development. It is therefore primarily about sharing experiences and finding best practice tools between the western part of Central Europe and its eastern part. Furthermore, thanks to MECOG-CE project, voice of metropolitan areas will be better heard and their needs well addressed. Ability of metropolitan areas to tackle global challenges, that require integrated approach, will also increase.

Project partnership

Project partners

Česko (CZ)

Lead partner

City of Brno

Dominikánské náměstí 196/1
60200 Brno
Czechia (CZ)

Project partner

Address Inghilterra 7
10138 Turin
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
159,600 €
Lónyay 34
1093 Budapest
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
116,200 €
Planning Department
Kronenstraße 25
70174 Stuttgart
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
242,200 €
Faculty of Science
Albertov 6
128 00 Praha
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
96,600 €
European Funds and Policy Development Department
Plac Defilad 1
00-901 Warsaw
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
154,000 €
Bankowa 12
40-007 Katowice
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
98,000 €
Henning-von-Tresckow-Str. 2-8
D-14467 Potsdam
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
259,000 €
Strategic development department
Prokešovo náměstí 8
72930 Ostrava
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
182,000 €



Our challenge

City of Warsaw

Urban and rural regions are growing closer together across Central Europe, but cooperation between a city and its hinterland often remains challenging. This creates inefficiencies in various fields important for citizens and their daily life.


Specific problem

View of the Brno Metropolitan Area

To tackle persisting challenges, new tools are needed to improve cooperation between cities and its hinterland - metropolitan cooperation. The potential of this cooperation is not fully exploited.


Our idea

Stuttgart Region

What if Central European metropolitan areas join forces and develop solutions for better metropolitan cooperation and governance?


Our solution


To strengthen metropolitan cooperation and governance in metropolitan areas, new solutions will be jointly developed and will be based on existing best practices and tools for enhancing metropolitan cooperation. These will be tested and applied in partner metropolitan areas.


Enhancing metropolitan cooperation: analysis of 47 best practices for effective governance

P4 Governance



Enhancing metropolitan cooperation: analysis of 47 best practices for effective governance

A comprehensive analysis identified 47 best practices and tools developed by the MECOG-CE metropolitan partners. The study evaluated these practices according to their thematic domains, ability to address contemporary challenges, and potential for transferability to other metropolitan areas. The goal is to boost metropolitan cooperation and foster a culture ...

Analysis of metropolitan governance systems illustrates diverse approaches and national conditions in metropolitan areas in Central Europe

P4 Governance



Analysis of metropolitan governance systems illustrates diverse approaches and national conditions in metropolitan areas in Central Europe

An in-depth analysis of metropolitan governance systems examined the role and autonomy of local governments and metropolitan areas (MAs) in the political system, their influence on central government, and the significance of metropolitan issues in national agendas. It also reviewed metropolitan governance structures and characteristics, highlighting variations among countries ...

76 best practices to boost metropolitan cooperation and governance across Central Europe

P4 Governance



76 best practices to boost metropolitan cooperation and governance across Central Europe

The project MECOG-CE provides an in-depth expert analysis of metropolitan governance systems, illustrating various national approaches and best practices from partners' metropolitan areas and outside partners' regions. The studies identified and described a total of 76 best practices and tools aimed at strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance. These exceptional ...

The first year of the MECOG-CE project is successfully completed!

P4 Governance



The first year of the MECOG-CE project is successfully completed!

For over a year now, the MECOG-CE project – Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe has been aiming to enhance metropolitan areas in Central Europe. Thanks to the project, we as 15 partners across Europe are pushing forward mutual cooperation in the field of the metropolitan development.

The Common Metropolitan Vision highlights the power of metropolitan areas

P4 Governance



The Common Metropolitan Vision highlights the power of metropolitan areas

The outcome of the MECOG-CE project, titled "We are the Metropolitan Areas - Our Common Metropolitan Vision", stands as a document that underscores the pivotal role of metropolitan areas in shaping European and national policies. This comprehensive framework represents a long-term and shared commitment of metropolitan leaders, stakeholders, and ...

Formation of study clusters marks the second milestone of the MECOG-CE project

P4 Governance



Formation of study clusters marks the second milestone of the MECOG-CE project

The MECOG-CE project partners from across Central Europe (CE) met in partner city of Stuttgart on 22-23 February. The consortium formed study clusters and discussed possible pilot actions as part of a collaborative work. The main objective of these clusters is to share the expertise in implementing, managing, and ...

Challenges and Opportunities for Metropolitan Areas in Central Europe

P4 Governance



Challenges and Opportunities for Metropolitan Areas in Central Europe

This article explores the current challenges and opportunities facing Metropolitan Areas (MAs) in Central Europe, summarizing insights from the study titled 'Identification of Challenges Specific to Central European Metropolitan Areas (MAs),' conducted by Charles University as part of the MECOG-CE project. The study examines the presence of the metropolitan ...

44 Examples of Good Practices within 14 Thematic Domains. Study Clusters Challenge Has Begun in Warsaw!

P4 Governance



44 Examples of Good Practices within 14 Thematic Domains. Study Clusters Challenge Has Begun in Warsaw!

The MECOG-CE project, aimed at strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe, recently achieved another milestone with its second transnational meeting held on 19th and 20th October, in Warsaw. During this meeting, the project consortium tackled two significant activities focusing on finding best tools and practices and formulating ...

The MECOG-CE Project Focuses on Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe

P4 Governance



The MECOG-CE Project Focuses on Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe

The project aims to identify the best tools, procedures and examples of good practices for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe and apply them in metropolitan areas towards strengthening integrated metropolitan strategic and territorial development. The project is designed so that knowledge/tools/methods and examples of good practice ...

International Project MECOG-CE Kicks off in Brno

P4 Governance



International Project MECOG-CE Kicks off in Brno

The purpose of the MECOG-CE project is to strengthen metropolitan cooperation and management in Central Europe. It is divided into three phases. The first phase will focus on benchmarking, mapping the current situation of territorial and strategic planning in Europe. The second phase will identify the best tools and ...


METREX Spring Conference 2024

P4 Governance



In Person

15 - 16.05.2024

METREX Spring Conference 2024

METREX, the Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas, will held their Spring Conference in Brussels. The network is also part of MECOG-CE project and one of its outcomes, Common Metropolitan Vision, will be introduced.

Knowledge Exchange Activity on Functional Area Governance Models

P4 Governance




Knowledge Exchange Activity on Functional Area Governance Models

Partners of MECOG-CE project will be part of seminar organized by World Bank. We will present the important and interesting outcomes of our project and will discuss them with participants. Join us for this seminar!

Transnational partner meeting in Stuttgart

P4 Governance



In Person

22 - 23.02.2024

Transnational partner meeting in Stuttgart

Partners of MECOG-CE will meet again in Stuttgart and they will move this project forward, mainly thanks to the formation of study clusters focusing on best practices/tools, but also through the discussion on outcomes so far.

Pilot actions


Metropolitan City of Turin

We are the Metropolitan Areas – Our Common Metropolitan Vision

It is a policy advocacy document which articulates the long-term and shared position of MECOG-CE partners to promote metropolitan dimension in public policies. It argues for the relevance and importance of metropolitan dimension in European and national strategic documents and policies. Other deliverables listed below introduces the current status of metropolitan dimension, including challenges and existing best practices, which led to the creation of this vision.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

New solutions enhancing metropolitan cooperation and governance

Unique and highly innovative solutions provide guidelines on implementing five key tools that enable enhancing capacities for integrated territorial development and strengthening of the metropolitan areas' efficiency in tackling the most pressing challenges.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Strategy for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe

It brings an overall model for enhancing metropolitan cooperation and governance. The Strategy serves as a unified methodology, where either the full model can be utilised by newly emerging metropolitan areas or particular parts of the methodology can be used independently. It also describes challenges, trends and best tools for metropolitan governance and cooperation models for integrated metropolitan territorial development. The strategy reflects outcomes of pilot actions and developed solutions on the implementation of five selected tools.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action plans for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance

Six partner metropolitan areas develop individual action plans to implement new governance and cooperation models for metropolitan development. Outcomes of pilot actions are considered and newly developed solutions are incorporated. The action plans include a step-by-step timeline, financing plans and responsibilities. The action plans will be focused on the direct needs of partners metropolitan areas.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Project videos

Project documents


Project MECOG-CE This StoryMap introduces the project, its goal, partners and expected outcomes.
MECOG-CE metropolitan areas and their best practices StoryMap presents the metropolitan structures of each metropolitan area involved in the project and their 17 best practices.


November 2023 First newsletter of MECOG-CE project
March 2024 Second newsletter of MECOG-CE project


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Ondřej Cmoriak
Phone: +420 542 172 217

Finance Manager

Robert Domasta
Phone: +420 542 174 244

Communication Manager

Jana Kaštanová
Phone: +420 775 045 375