Project overview
Restoring degraded eco-systems along the Green Belt to improve and enhance biodiversity and ecological connectivity
The European Green Belt is a unique network of ecologically important habitats and protected nature areas. Crossing countries along the line of the former Iron Curtain, it is under pressure: growing land use is leading to biodiversity and habitat degradation. The ReCo project pilots a new protection and conservation strategy by capitalising on geo-information and data processing systems. The partnership also adopts a community-based development approach to leverage funds and activities.
2,74m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
Bavarian Branch of Friends of the Earth Germany
BUND Department Green Belt
Project partner
Manager of the Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve
Main Office
Head Office
Head Office
Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation Group
1030 Vienna
Department of Landscape Ecology
Head Office
Head Office
Department of Landscape Adaptation to Climate Change
AMP Miramare
Nature restoration alongside European Green Belt

The European Green Belt – a nature boarder, that spreads alongside the past Iron curtain – is in very much need for restoration. To help that, 12 project partners from six member states in Central Europe unite and work on the implementation of versatile restoration measures and – since nature does not know the boarders – support of the interconnectivity in this part of Europe in terms of the nature protection.
Declination of biodiversity and degraded habitats in need for support

The European Green Belt forms a structurally rich bridge element connecting various valuable habitat types, which are natural home for a wide range of plant and animal species and of great importance in the role of natural carbon sinks for the climate protection. However, due to increasing land use pressure, habitat fragmentation, and climate change this unique network is under threat. Decline in biodiversity and habitat degradation are only some of the consequences of those challenging developments.
Development approach based on innovation and community

In response, the ReCo aims to provide solutions to improve the protection and conservation of habitats along the EGB CE. As up to date measures are needed, the project will employ innovative geo-information and data processing systems to devise solutions. The partnership also adopts a community-based development approach, encouraging communities to contribute fund and activities towards habitat restoration.
Practical implementation of restoration measures

Furthermore, to test or demonstrate up to date ecological restoration approaches, enhance ecological interconnectivity, and protect biodiversity, project partners implement two Joint Pilot Actions in six regions, that are facing specific ecological challenges. Their goal is to target valuable habitats and species (including NATURA 2000). In order to maximise community-based leverage effects restoration investments will be accompanied by a series of local stakeholder workshops in pilot regions.
Political mainstreaming and upscaling of achieved results

Observations learnt through the implementation of pilot actions will be integrated into key outcomes of the project, that include: Joint Transnational Restoration & Connectivity Strategy presenting how, where and under which focus EGB CE may contribute best to the achievement of national and European nature protection goals, creation of two Joint Practitioners’ Guides to aid in the future implementation of restoration efforts as well as the development of six Joint Local/Regional Restoration Plans embarking on how to put into practice on the local/regional level findings of the project. To ensure roll-out of the project results on national but especially EU level, the project outputs and results will be mainstreamed into political work by presenting EGB as priority region for the implementation of EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030.
Pilot actions

Transnational Restoration and Connectivity Strategy for the European Green Belt
Practitioners guides on promoting enhanced biodiversity and interconnectivity of valuable habitats and species
Regional restoration and connectivity plans
Project documents
Event documents
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.