Project overview
Territorial biorefineries for circular economy
Central Europe has a strong potential for economically utilising biomass from agriculture. It can be processed in biorefineries and transformed into a range of high value products. But this circular approach is still in its early stages and needs support. The TeBiCE project contributes by establishing sustainable value chains for biomass-based products. The partners also help with creating a market for these products by harmonising and improving regulatory frameworks across central Europe.
2,05m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
Project partnership
Project partners
Lead partner
Venetian Agency for Innovation in the Primary Sector - Veneto Agricoltura
Project partner
Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering
Team Bio-Economy and Sustainability (BES)
80336 Munich
Centre of Bioeconomy and Renewable Energies
Department of International Cooperation and Economic Development
Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
TeBiCE project aims to remove barriers in bio and circular economies in 8 regions of Central Europe and to create sustainable market for high value bio -products.
Specific issue
The project promotes starting new value chain, based on cutting-edge technologies and new business models hence creating more efficient and competitive economy, finding a suitable economic and social environment for investments.
Acting as an international partnership TeBiCE project will support the removal of regulatory barriers and provide market conditions needed for the development of value chains. Companies participating in the TeBiCE project will have the opportunity to: - improve their capabilities and operations in the market, - reduce by-products and waste, - find innovative ways to be more sustainable in an increasingly circular economy, - support the creation of value chains, increasing the capacity of the private sector to be greener.
Creating Value Chain Generator for companies VCG will help mapping supply chain and hotspots; maximizes circular economy opportunities and locates potential buyers for waste on map
How it works
As part of the launch of the pilot activities, preliminary market research was conducted on the value chains of products chosen by project partners. At the moment it contains 3 biomass providers, 14 value chains, 11 valorisation technologies, 17 market applications.
TeBiCE project will create decision support tools for SMEs. It will also encourage the exploration of synergies among companies in working with other countries to achieve a factual material circularity at the international scale as well as bringing together full chain stakeholders and those normally operating in different sectors. Last but not lest it will remove regulatory barriers needed for the development of value chains.
Pilot actions
Value Chain Generator - AI & Big Data platform
- Report on existing state-of-the-art value chains in target Central Europe_D.1.2.3_Final
- Methodology Of Comparison Between Supply Chains D.1.3. Final
- Report on readiness of market at transnational level_D.1.4.1_Final
Transnational strategy for by-product and waste market
TeBiCE partnership cooperating for the implementation of the project
Project videos
Project images
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.